Saturday, December 28, 2019
Caryl Phillipss Cambridge Analysis - 1342 Words
Caryl Phillips is concerned with the issue of racial discrimination specifically against the enslaved blacks during the period of slavery. Racial discriminatory practices manifested itself in the form of physical and psychological abuse, and the suppression of their voice. The novel ââ¬Å"Cambridgeâ⬠was written by British- Caribbean novelist, Caryl Phillips in 1991. Phillips was born in St. Kitts in 1958, and settled in Leeds, England with his parents as a toddler. The story is set on a nineteenth century Caribbean plantation. Phillips focuses the novel on the issue of slavery. Slavery lasted from the mid 15th century to the late 19th century. The middle passage is the transportation of Africans to the Caribbean where they were to beâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The phrase ââ¬Å"small black fryâ⬠represents the constant disparaging of slaves in a society governed by European colonists, and serves as a tool to reinforce constraint on the slave population on the estate- as a constant reminder to blacks of their inferior position in society. The emphasis on the phrase ââ¬Å"small black fryâ⬠personifies the extent to which blacks existed and were recognized in society. Thus, ââ¬Å"small black fryâ⬠legitimizes the status and weal th of the European planters through the lasting psychological oppression of blacks in the period. Sociologist Rosenthal and Jacobson posits that oneââ¬â¢s self concept is, in many cases, primarily based on other peopleââ¬â¢s perception of them and behave according to peopleââ¬â¢s perception. Hence, Phillipsââ¬â¢s depiction of blacksââ¬â¢ psychological abuse exists on the basis that blacks accepted the label supplied by the whites (small black fry) and act accordingly, resulting in the self-degradation of blacks. Therefore, Caryl Phillips attempts to portray the psychological suffering of blacks in slave society as a result of the verbal abuse received from the whites. In addition, the author also intends to emphasize his concern of the physical mistreatment of blacks in the period of slavery. This is done mainly through his presentation of the symbolism of the whip used to exert pain and brutality on the population of
Friday, December 20, 2019
The Increasing Prevalence in Autism Spectrum Disorders
Autism is a mental condition that can occur in children from birth but is diagnosed in early infancy or early childhood. It is a complex neurobiological disorder that typically lasts throughout the lifetime of a person. It can be considered as a spectrum of disorders characterized by severe developmental deficiencies that can affect socialization, communication, emotional development and can cause repetitive or unusual behaviors. The ranges of the symptoms are mild to severe. There is a milder form of the disorder known as Asperger syndrome. Other developmental disorders that fall under the category of autism spectrum disorders are Rett Syndrome, PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorders) and childhood disintegrative disorder.â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦This may be one among other causes of the high population of autism. However, evidence suggests that in most cases autism is a heritable disorder. In fact, it is the neurological disorder with the greatest genetic influence in the wor ld. Also, other researchers found two disorders related to autism that are also related to epilepsy genes. Andrew Wakefield, a medical researcher posed the existence of a link between the vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella with autism. There are a number of studies showing a strong correlation between obstetric complications and autism. Supplementation with folic acid has increased considerably in recent decades, particularly by pregnant women. These are all factors that are still under investigation. Only possible relations with autism are established. Currently there are no effective means to prevent autism, no fully effective treatments or cures. Scientists are working hard every day to find a solution to this increasing problem. While support groups have said for years that the lack of funding for research is responsible for the few definitive answers, a bill known as the Combating Autism Act, which concentrate billion to developing a cure, is now on the way to Congress. Aut ism receives less than five percent of the research funds of other less common childhood diseases. Until a cure is discovered, parents have been counting on earlyShow MoreRelatedPrevalence Of Autism Essay949 Words à |à 4 Pages The Increasing Prevalence of Autism Autism, or autism spectrum disorders (ASD), is a neurodevelopmental disability that is characterized by deficits in two behavioral areas: communication and social, and restrictive and repetitive behaviors. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that 1 in 88 children had an ASD in 2008 (CDC 2012), and in 2010 the prevalence increased to 1 in 68 children (McCarthy). Could the increase in prevalence of ASD be attributed to environmental factors;Read MoreVaccinations : A Science s Greatest Feats1400 Words à |à 6 Pagesthe current decline in immunization is that vaccination increases the risk of a child getting Autism. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Autism are generic terms for ââ¬Å"a group of complex disorders of brain developmentâ⬠(Autism Speaks), it covers conditions such as Childhood Disintegrative Disorder and Aspergerââ¬â¢s Syndrome (Healthy Canadian). Current epidemiological data estimates that the global prevalence of ASDââ¬â¢s to be in one in 160, and accounts for more than 7.6 million affected lives (WHO,2013)Read MoreIn Recent Years, The Prevalence Of Autism Spectrum Disorder1357 Words à |à 6 Pagesrecent years, the prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has increased greatly (Nevison 2014). For example, in 2000 the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network estimated about 1 in 150 children had ASD. Six years later in 2006, the prevalence increased to about 1 in every 110 children and then most recently in 2012 to 1 in 68 children. According to the CDC (2008) autism is the fastest-growing developmental disability. With the growing prevalen ce of autism, the society hasRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder And Autism1492 Words à |à 6 Pageslife there are several different disorders that have been well known from many years ago. There is one disorder that was diagnosed in the early 1800ââ¬â¢s but it wasnââ¬â¢t until a few years ago that it gained lots of attention. What used to be known as Autism was later renamed in the DSM to Autism Spectrum Disorder meaning, a neurodevelopmental disorder rather than a pervasive developmental disorder (Gargiulo, 2015). Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disorder characterized by abnormal or impairedRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder1284 Words à |à 6 PagesThe DSM-5, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, is a diagnostic tool used in the United States for psychiatric diagnosis. One of these disorders is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and according to the DSM-5, there are two manifestations. These are: social interaction and communication as well as restricted, repetitive, stereotyped behaviors and interests. Deficits in social communication include social-emotional reciprocity, nonverbal communicative behaviors and social relationshipsRead MoreAutism And Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Essay1599 Words à |à 7 Pagesby that singular perspective. In specific, Autism which is referred to as Autistic Spectrum Disorder, is something that the public has heard before but they do not fully understand or are unaware about its true definition. ââ¬Å"According to the Centers for Disease Controlââ¬â¢s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM), approximately 1 in 68 children have been identified with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)â⬠(CDC, 2016). This increased prevalence is why it is important to continue educatingRead MoreAutism Is A Mental Condition809 Words à |à 4 PagesOctober 2015 Autism affects every 1 in 68 children in America, autism is a mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people and in using language and abstract concepts. What causes autism? A short while ago, the answer to this question would have been ââ¬Å"we have no clue.â⬠Research is now bringing us the answers. First, we now know that there is no one cause of autism just as there is no one type of autism. In the lastRead MoreEducating the Autistic Essay1471 Words à |à 6 PagesAutism is a developmental disorder characterized by a cluster of behaviors that has rapidly became more prevalent in recent years. With the increase of children on the autism spectrum and the severity of their diagnosis becoming more pungent, public schools have found themselves braced in finding methods to educate autistic children. A complex disorder needs complex help. The idea of creating an environment at which every s tudent will be able to meet their highest potential in their education, includingRead MoreAsperger s Syndrome Among Other Autistic Spectrum Disorders818 Words à |à 4 Pagesother Autistic Spectrum Disorders The autism spectrum disorder is neurobehavioral deterioration that involve language developmental disorder a combined with low social interaction skills and repetitive behaviors. The severity of the disorder varies from mild, moderate, and sever, and the diagnosis tend to be changeable according to several factors such as the severity and the kind of therapy that the child received during early years. There is an increased prevalence of the disorder among childrenRead MoreGenetic And Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders1556 Words à |à 7 PagesAutism is a cognitive disorder that occurs in the first three years of life and affects many children and adults today. It is a common behaviorally defined syndrome characterized by impairments in socialization, abnormalities of verbal and nonverbal communication, and restricted, stereotyped interests and behaviors. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) was recently edited to more clearly define the 3 main branche s of the Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). These branches
Thursday, December 12, 2019
On Earth As It Is In Hell Essay Example For Students
On Earth As It Is In Hell Essay Many times we hear of societys affect on people; society influencing the way people think and act. Hardly mentioned is the reverse: peoples actions and lifestyles affecting society as a whole and how it is characterized. Thus, society is a reflection of its inhabitants and in The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, it is a wasteland described as the valley of ashes. Since the characters of this novel make up this wasteland, arent they the waste? Symbolically, this waste represents the lack of ethics of the 1920s society and civilizations decay. In The Great Gatsby, morals deficiencies such as a lack of God, selfishness, and idleness are reflective of a society doomed as the valley of ashes.The worldliness of the 1920s society contributes to the image of the wasteland as hell-like and deprived of God. The valley of ashes symbolizes a society which has forgotten the importance of God, who takes a back seat to profane desires. A lack of seriousness towards God is evident in this corrupt society when Gatsby uses Gods name in a lie, declaring ?Ill tell you Gods truth. His right hand suddenly orders divine retribution to stand by. ?I am the son of some wealthy people in the middle West- all dead now. (p.65) During the Puritan era, this would be considered blasphemous in contrast with the moral standards of the 1920s society. A backwards people have dethroned God, replacing him with false gods of pleasure, greed and money relating to the Latin phrase Deus Absconditus, equivalent of God has departed. Although the valley of ashes is hell- like and without a solid foundation of God, people still cling onto the idea that there is a god. Wilson, questioning his wifes fidelity, warns her that God sees everything. (p.167) Though he speaks of God, his god is in the form of a billboard for an oculist named Doctor T.J. Eckleburg. He is unable to distinguish God from false idols. Perhaps the society is so far astray from God that they no longer can rectify their immoral ways. After all, the wasteland is like hell, and theres no turning back. Selfishness is a vice that contributes to New Yorks image as a valley of ashes. This egocentrism is commonplace in the characters of The Great Gatsby and gives the impression of a society where people have adopted the me first rationale and a carelessness for altruism.Gatsbys relationship with Nick first started out that way. Gatsby became friends with Nick so that he could ?come over some afternoon to garden (p. 83) and catch a glimpse of Daisy whom he had waited five years for. Gatsby was using Nick to see her. His friendship with Nick became secondary to his passion for Daisy. Had Gatsby not loved her, he would have never been friends with Nick because he would not have someone to use. This selfish behavior is also present in Klipspringer, Gatsbys house guest, when he replies to Nick with uncertainty about his presence at Gatsbys funeral, ?Well, Ill try.. Im staying with some people in Greenwich and theres a picnic or something. What I call!ed up about was a pair of shoes I left . (p.177) Klipspringer takes Gatsbys death with such levity, implying that the funeral is on the same plane of insignificance as that of a leisure picnic. Klipspringer displays more concern for his shoes than for the man who gave him a place to stay. He is like a parasite, taking only and giving back nothing, using Gatsbys wealth and home as the host. Klipspringer is a selfishly motivated man, and a sad reflection of the 1920s society.As the wasteland may be a place without morals, the valley of ashes is also without a sense of time. The 1920s society is aimless and idle. Daisy utters ?Whatll we do with ourselves this afternoon, and the day after that, and the next thirty years?' 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F. Scott Fitzgeralds characters are time wasters. This dawdling shows a lack of concern over their lives and the need for objectivity. Because the wasteland is a Godless place, John 6:12 need not apply, which states, Let nothing be wasted. Again, Daisy sums up the 1920s society attitude of time saying, ?Do you always watch for the longest day of the year and then miss it? I always watch for the longest day in the year and then miss it.' (p.16) Thus, life in the valley of ashes is just a waste of time and is insignificant. The characters in The Great Gatsby are symbolically in hell; they will have all of eternity to waste.The wasteland is a terrible place where life is corrupt and meaningless. The valley of ashes is without a God, and symbolizes a spiritually sterile lifestyle in the world highly appropriate for the 1920s society image. Without the presence of God, there are no morals; selfishness being one of the diseases of the 1920s. The absence of altruism and the focus on self- indulgence is also responsible for the lack of tender -heartedness of the wasteland society. Time is indifferent to Fitzgeralds characters and their lives seem aimless and carelessly wandering. This corruption in society is what make up the ash covering New York. The valley of ashes literally speaking is really not a dumping ground, but the wasteland of immorality covering the society of 1920.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Company Law
Questions: 1. Prepare a constitution - refer to sections 134 and 135.your company's internal management is to be governed by a combination of replaceable rules and a constitution.the constitution must only make provision for a class of redeemable preference shares- nb sections 254a(2) and (3) of the corp act. 2. Research then explain the reason and justification for the following sections of the corp act :- section 129(1) and section 588m(3). your analysis of each section is worth 5% .word limit -aprox 200 words per. Answers: (1). Type of Company The said constitution belongs and applies to the company named PQR Private Limited. Objective The primary objective of PQR Private Limited is manufacture, advertise and sell high quality clothing products at reasonable rates and build a brad which is consumer friendly and affordable. Internal Management The internal management of the company is said to be governed by the rules and regulations of the Corporation Act 2001 in Australia and is incorporated in the replaceable rules of the said company. Along with the replaceable rules, the said constitution is an internal and an important document on behalf of the company which will determine its internal management along with the replaceable rules[1]. Thus, the internal management of PQR Private Limited is to be governed by the combination of both the replaceable rules and the Constitution of the company. Section 134 of the Corporation Act 2001, allows both, the replaceable rules along with the constitution to govern any companys internal management in Australia. Thus, both constitution and replaceable rules collectively can govern a company in Australia. However, the said Constitution states that it has the authority and power to change and alter the replaceable rules in a company and any non-compliance or violation of the replaceable rules does not constitute a violation of the Corporation Act 2001[2]. Directors The company is permitted to appoint a director in a general meeting by a simple resolution. After the appointment it is the director who looks after the internal affairs of the company and is obliged to comply with rules and regulations in replaceable rules and the constitution. The said director has the power to appoint other directors to assist and help him manage the company. However, if any director is appointed in an emergence basis, his appointment needs to be approved by a resolution within two months of appointment[3]. Shares Any company operative in Australia is permitted with power and authority to issue bonus shares, preference shares and party paid shares under the section 124 of the Corporation Act 2001. The Constitution of PQR Private Limited states that it has the authority and power under section 254A of the Corporation Act 2001 to issue preference shares which can be redeemed. The Constitution thus states all the rights which are required to be mentioned for issuing redeemable preference shares in Australia[4]. These rights include repayment of the capital which was invested by a shareholder, participation of the shareholder in excess profit and assets, cumulative and non-cumulative dividends, voting rights and priority in payment of capital and dividend to other classes of preference shares[5]. Thus, every holder of a redeemable preference share is granted the said rights with the issue of preference shares which can be redeemed at a later stage or whenever the shareholder wishes to get his pref erence shares redeemed. The Constitution additionally states that while making dividend payments, priority will be given to preference share holders. However, preference share which are redeemable can also be issues however, the said preference shares can be redeemed in either one of the following events as below:- On occurrence of an event as mentioned before At the option of PQR Private Limited According to the wish of the shareholder[6] Signed: .. Signed: Signature of the Director: .. Dated: . (2). Section 129 of the Corporation Act 2001 in Australia is interlinked with the previous section of the same Act which is section 128 of the Corporation Act 2001. Section 128 of the Corporation Act 2001 states that when an individual or an outsider is dealing with any company which is operative in Australia, he is permitted to assume certain things, which are mentioned in section 129 of the Corporation Act 2001. Therefore, section 129 of the Corporation Act states the assumptions which are permitted to be made while dealing with a company in Australia. The first assumption states that any individual dealing with any company in Australia can assume that the said company has complied with the companys constitution along with the rules and regulations in the Corporation Act 2001 which are applicable in any company in Australia in the form of replaceable rules. Thus, section 129(1) of the Corporation Act 2001 was introduced to protect every individual who as an outside deals with a company in Australia. Thus, an outsider is assumed to not be aware of the internal management of a company and therefore if such an outsider suffers any harm, loss or damage due to any non-compliance in the internal management of the company, the individual is protected for the said loss and damage by the assumption that the company had complied with all the rules and regulations including the constitution and replaceable rules in its internal management[7]. Section 588M of the Corporation Act 2001 talks about the recovery of compensation for loss resulting from insolvent trading. Section 588G of the Corporation Act states director's duty to prevent insolvent trading by company, therefore section 588M acts like a liability or the consequence of section 588G of the Corporation Act 2001. The 588M(3) of the Corporation Act 2001 states that if a director has contravened section 588G resulting into a loss or a damage to the creditors of the company, the said loss or damage can be recovered from the director as a debt. Thus, the said action was introduced to keep the directors of every company in Australia under check and make them liable for any breach of director duty committed by them as mentioned under the Corporation Act 2001. Thus, other than duties of directors mentioned in the Corporation Act 2001, section 588G acts as an additional duty on a director of an Australian company, and section 588M states the liability which the director ha s to bear in case he breached the said duty as mentioned under 588G of the Corporation Act 2001 which is director's duty to prevent insolvent trading by company[8]. Bibliography Australia, Safe Work.Comparison of Workers Compensation Arrangements in Australia and New Zealand. Australian Government-Safe Work Australia, 2012. Chew, Charles YC.Business Law Guidebook. Oxford University Press, 2008. Everett, Sophia, and Ross Robinson. "Port reform: the Australian experience."Research in Transportation Economics17 (2006): 259-284. Griffiths, Craig. "Tag Archives: corporation act 2001." Kershaw, David.Company law in context: Text and materials. Oxford University Press, 2012. Latimer, Paul.Australian Business Law 2012. CCH Australia Limited, 2012. Oliphant, Ken, and Gerhard Wagner, eds.Employers' liability and workers' compensation. Vol. 31. Walter de Gruyter, 2012. Salthammer, Tunga, Sibel Mentese, and Rainer Marutzky. "Formaldehyde in the indoor environment."Chemical Reviews110.4 (2010): 2536-2572.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Hell Essays - Christian Philosophy, Hell, Free Will In Theology, Sin
Hell Hell In his sermon, On the Eternity of Hells Torments, Jonathan Edwards argues that eternal punishment for sin is justified. He observes every aspect of God, sin, and hell and attempts to present a logical explanation of scripture. I will take a similar approach and refute the idea that eternal punishment for sin is justified with particular focus on his representation of eternity, perfection, and justice. Jonathan Edwardss argument is as follows: Mankinds obligation to honor, obey, and love god is infinite and sin which violates this obligation, is a violation of infinite obligation, and is therefore an infinite evil. The evil of sin is infinite; consequently infinite retribution is a proportional punishment. To coincide with gods infinite nature, God should hate sin and opposite it infinitely. Sin as proven before is an infinite evil and God should express infinite hatred towards this evil. The expression of this hatred is punishment for this sin, which itself is infinitely evil and should therefore be punished infinitely. Sin against an infinite God incurs infinite demerit. Sin is refusal of our infinite obligation to obey God so it incurs an infinite demerit. Gods justice is understood retributively. God has granted human beings free will and each individual is accountable for his or her actions. Just as each individual is rewarded for positive actions they should be equally punish ed for their negative actions. Therefore it is in absolute fairness to those who avoid sin and granted an infinite heaven that sinners be punished and granted an infinite hell. Eternal punishment is everlasting or absolutely without end. Edwards states that infinite also means eternal and loosely interprets scripture but never makes the full connection. Edwards cites the words forever, and eternity but never in relation to the infinite punishment that is promised to sinners. Edwards states that hell is infinite conscious torment because if sin was committed against an infinite God then the fitting retributive punishment is justifiably infinite. Thus sin deserves infinite conscious torment. The punishment will occur in a manner that allows individuals to be sensible of the punishment they are receiving and that god has upheld and executed his threat. They will understand that justice has taken place upon them and they will be sensible of their guilt as a result. Those punished are said to weep, wail, and gnash their teeth which implies not only real existence, but life, knowledge, and activity, and that they are in a very sensible and exquisite manner affect ed with their punishment (Edwards 5). Logically I contend that infinite punishment does not necessarily mean everlasting, but rather a very long duration of torment such that the torment is at an extremely high level. Punishment can be infinite in its intensity and still finite in its duration. Infinite punishment is more consistent with the punishment God has bestowed upon mankind in scripture. The great flood of immeasurable rainfall used to punish the people of Noah lasted only a few days but was of infinite proportion to typical rainfall. If past examples illustrate the infinite punishment of God, and there is no indication of eternal punishment upon man in the past, then it is more logical to assume that God will punish mankind with infinite and not eternal punishment as he has done in the past and therefore the two cannot be one in the same. A flame of infinite intensity does not need to last eternally nor does one need eternal torment in this flame to be punished for his sins. Edwards clearly states that sinners w ill remain in a state that allows them to be conscious of the torture they are receiving and feel guilt. In this state only a definite amount of time is necessary to punish an individual who feels guilt, which acknowledges the individuals accountability for their actions. A feeling of guilt can only occur when one feels they have done something wrong, otherwise they would only feel regret, anger, or sadness. Gods infinite mercy is broken if he can not forgive an individual after a duration of time, after all the individual only sinned or disobeyed god for a finite period of time. This would allow an individual to be held accountable for his
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Cold War Essay Topics, Questions, and Ideas with
Cold War Essay Topics, Questions, and Ideas with Cold War Essay The cold war was a long period of extreme political tensions between Russia and its Warsaw Pact Allies, and the United States and its Nato Allies. Historians disagree about the exact years of the Cold war, but most agree that it started shortly after the end of World War II and Ended around 1991. It is referred to as the Cold War because there were never any direct military conflicts between the United States and Russia. There were however, wars and other military actions that occurred during the cold war period that were a direct result of these political and military tensions. Because The Cold War went on for so long, and because so many events happened during this time period, there are literally hundreds of potential essay topics. However, this doesnââ¬â¢t mean that choosing a topic for your cold war essay is going to be easy. For example, do you want to focus on the events leading up to the cold war (causes of the cold war), events that occurred during the cold war, or the ev ents that happened after the cold war was over. In order to help you decide, we have compiled a list of potential essay ideas for you to use. Please feel free to use any of the following topics. Sample Cold War Essay Questions and Prompts What role did the Soviet Union Play in causing tensions between the USSR and the United States What role did the United States play in causing tensions between the United States and Russia How did the Cold War cause the Vietnam War? How did the Cold War cause the Korean War? Describe the lasting impact that Cold War on North Koreans How did the Cuban Revolution impact the development of the Cold War? Explain the Domino Theory What was the cultural impact of the reunification of Germany How did the Cold War impact pop culture in the 1980s What were the causes and effects of the Red Scare How did the Cold War impact the space race? Explain Containment Does Ronald Reagan receive too much credit for the end of the Cold War? Write an analysis of the Cold War and the arming of Middle East extremists today Who started the Cold War? Detail the influence of the Cold War on the nuclear arms race Were there any nations that were negatively impacted by the end of the cold war? These are only a small portion of the potential essay topics that one could explore when writing about The Cold War. However, we do believe that these are some excellent ideas that will serve most students very well. As always, has many writers on our staff who are experts in history and foreign policy. In the event that you need help with your essay, please feel free to contact us for help. We can get your Cold War essay finished quickly and you can review and download your essay online.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Assignment 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Assignment 1 - Essay Example It is true that in today's world the Iranian government was ââ¬Å"Feeling its oats.â⬠The government is looking for a way for Iran to gain more influence in the region. That is one of the reasons they were pursuing a nuclear program. At the same time they were also pursuing partnerships with both Syria and Hezbollah in Lebanon which has allowed them to further hem Israel into its corner. They wanted to have more influence and impact on the countries in the region. The truth is that because the American invasion of Iraq left a power vacuum in the region, the Iranians have been able to capitalize on it and gain more influence in Iraq. In a sense, Iranian interests have been served, but so have American ones. This has encouraged them and given them confidence as they pursue the expansion of their belligerent programs. They must be stopped. The United States must not allow this aggression to stand. At risk is their relationship with their ally Israel. Israel is under direct threat from Iran whose leaders have many times threatened to destroy them (The Economist). The truth is that the U.S. Can only take Iran at its word.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The enforcement procedure of Article 228 (2) ECT is in dire need of Essay
The enforcement procedure of Article 228 (2) ECT is in dire need of reform. Discuss this statement in the light of the existing case law of the ECJ - Essay Example Indeed in Francovich & Boniface v Italy [1993]3 the ECJ stated that 'Community law lays down a principle according to which a Member State is liable to make good damage to individuals caused by a breach of Community law for which it is responsible'. The Commission is empowered to bring enforcement actions under Article 226. Article 228 provides the remedy for an Article 226 action. Steiner and Woods et al4 argue that the ability to bring Member States to book for non-compliance is 'vital for the success of the Community' as it ensures both effective implementation of European Community law and 'illustrates certain supranational elements in the Community structure.' In order to ensure the proper functioning and development of the common market, the Commission shall: -- ensure that the provisions of this Treaty and the measures taken by the institutions pursuant thereto are applied. If the Commission considers that a Member State has failed to fulfil an obligation under this Treaty, it shall deliver a reasoned opinion on the matter after giving the State concerned the opportunity to submit its observations. A 'failure' can be an act or an omission to act to prevent an infringement by any agency of the State, even if that agency is constitutionally independent: Case 77/69 Commission v Belgium [1970]5. Such acts/omissions include any obligation arising from EU law and cover the Treaties, other EU legal instruments such as directives and general principles of EU law.The primary purpose of Article 226 is to persuade Member States to be compliant. Note in the wording of Article 226 that although the Commission has to deliver a reasoned opinion it would appear that it is optional whether or not it brings the matter before the Court6. To this end Article 226 provides Member States with ample opportunity to seek a non-contentious settlement of any dispute between itself and the Commission. 30% of all disputes are settled under the administrative procedure at the preliminary informal stage7. The main criticism of Article 226 is that it is a lengthy process with the ultimate outcome being nothin g more than a declaration of non-compliance by the ECJ. Given the latitude Member States have prior to the Commission commencing action under the second paragraph of Article 226, it is no wonder that the Commission is particularly sensitive to non-compliance with an Article 226 ECJ decision in its role of 'guardian of the treaties', stating: 'Non-compliance with a judgement of the ECJ thus strikes at the heart of the legal order of the Community'8. It is only after the Commission has continuously monitored the situation, issued a formal notice, received the Member State's observations and sent it a formal notice and another reasoned opinion - and there is
Monday, November 18, 2019
Equities and Fixed Income Investments Assignment
Equities and Fixed Income Investments - Assignment Example While the analysis of the free cash flow will indicate if the company enjoys an unobstructed flow of cash. The analysis of the free cash flow to equity will indicate if the company is in a position to service the equity holders after clearing all the expenses, reinvestment and repayment of debt. The analysis of the EBITDA indicates the cash flow from the operations (Hatten and Ruhland, 2005). The cash flow from the operations will indicate if able to optimize its operational performance. With the increase in the efficiency of the operations the cash flow of the firm will increase. Table 1: Tabulation of different ratios à 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 Gearing ratio 0.95 0.91 0.90 0.90 0.90 EBITDA 492.2 469.8 497.7 507.4 451 FCFE N/A -86.8 -89.9 -376.6 -162.1 FCFF N/A 252,286.60 239,185.37 220,906.19 2,284,070.11 Source: (Severn Trent Annual Report, 2013) Fig 1: Gearing ratio Source: (Severn Trent Annual Report, 2013) The gearing ratio increased considerably in the last 5 years. This in dicates that Severn Trent increasingly resorted to debt financing. The increase in the debt financing puts Severn Trent in a risky state, since higher the debt, higher the chance of insolvency, if the company is not able to finance the debt with the revenue (Jang and Namkung, 2009). This also indicates that the company has already resorted to huge amount of debt financing Severn Trent is in a highly leveraged position due to the presence of significant percentage of debt in its capital structure. Being in a highly leveraged position indicates that the company has a strong credit score otherwise the investors would not have taken Severn Trent into confidence (Kutner, Nachtsheim and Neter, 2004.). The highly leveraged position of Severn Trent also puts enormous pressure on the company to finance the debts. Fig 2: EBITDA Source: (Severn Trent Annual Report, 2013) The EBITDA does not indicate a linear increasing trend or decreasing trend. It is a mixed trend of intermittent ups and down s. Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization are highest in year 2010, while it is lowest in the year 2009. The increasing trend in the EBITDA is an indication that the company is in a position to finance the interest payments quite efficiently (Miravete, 2003). Although the previous graphs already indicate that the company is already in a highly leveraged state. This means that although the EBITDA shows an increasing trend but the highly leveraged position of the company are putting severe pressure on the EBITDA due to the need to clear the interest payments (Pinhanez, 2001). Fig 3: FCFE Source: (Severn Trent Annual Report, 2013) The free cash flow to equity showing a constant negative trend for the past 4 years, which is a cause of concern. The negative value of the ratio indicates that the company has been suffering cash crunch for the past 4 years. This clearly indicates that the company faced trouble trying to clear the dividend for the equity holders (Stumpf , Dunbar and Mullen, 2001). This is because of the reason that the equity holders are paid only after clearing the expenses for reinvestment and debt repayment. The negative ratio of the free cash flow to the equity shareholders is a clear sign of the fact that the expense due to the reinvestment
Friday, November 15, 2019
Diabetes Education: The Increase In Diabetes
Diabetes Education: The Increase In Diabetes Diabetes is becoming a worldwide epidemic. It is one of the biggest health challenges that the United Kingdom (UK) is facing today with one person being diagnosed with diabetes every 3 minutes (Diabetes UK, 2009). The latest data indicates that there are now 2.8 million of people with diabetes in UK and nine out of ten people diagnosed with diabetes are Type 2 diabetes (2.5 millions). According to health experts, UK is now facing a huge public health problem and the figure is set to rise to four million by the year 2025. (Diabetes UK, 2010). The alarming increase in diabetes prevalence is a great cause of concern and has a devastating economic effect. Recent estimate shows that 10% of National Health System (NHS) spending equivalent to 9 billion pounds a year, 1 million pounds per hour goes on diabetes (Diabetes UK, 2008). The direct and indirect cost to the NHS of caring for people with Type 2 diabetes and its complications are staggering and will continue to rise with the increasing incidence of the disease. As a result of this health crisis and significant financial burden, the NHS needs to respond to this massive strain by looking at more effective and efficient ways of providing diabetes care. It is therefore of primary importance for our local primary care diabetes services to identify ways to deliver an effective quality care for people with diabetes to counter this worrying trend. 1.1 Diabetes Education Diabetes education has been considered as one of the key components of diabetes care since the 1930s and has been increasingly recognised as an integral part of the disease (Atak Arslan, 2005). Nicolucci et al (1996) demonstrated that people who have never received diabetes education had a striking fourfold increased risks of developing major diabetes complications. Furthermore, the study done by Rickiem et al (2002), showed that diabetes education has an overall positive effect on the health and psychosocial outcome. It helps to improve patients skills and knowledge on the condition and enables beneficial change in the behaviour. Diabetes education has a profound effect on glycemic control, quality of life and treatment satisfaction (clinical governance support team, 2004). Stratton et al (2000) suggested that improving Hba1c by just 1% through diabetes education can significantly reduce risk of complications. In view of all the evidence, the importance of diabetes education has been highlighted and well advocated by the National Service Framework (NSF) and National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE, 2003) . The NSF emphasizes that diabetes education should be made available from the point of diagnosis onwards and proposes that education should involve a structured program for people who have been newly diagnosed. This has been encouraged by NICE which recommends that all patients received structured education at initial diagnosis and then on a regular basis according to need (NICE, 2003). However there is insufficient evidence currently available to recommend a specific type of education or provide guidance on the setting for, or frequency of, sessions. In this context, how best to provide structured education to people with diabetes is an important question. NICE acknowledge the limited evidence to suggest which approach is most appropriate and state that to achieve maximum effectiveness, some principle of good practice should be in place(NICE, 2003). According to NICE criteria, diabetes education should reflect the principle of adult learning, provided by trained educators including a DSN or practice nurse with diabetes experience, and a dietitian, use a variety of techniques to promote active learning, be accessible to the broadest range of people taking into account their ethnicity, culture and beliefs. 1.2 Aim of Diabetes Education The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE, 2003) states that the aim of education for people with diabetes is: To improve their knowledge and skills, enabling them to take control of their own condition and to integrate self-management into their daily lives. Diabetes education should allow people to engage in their own health to put what theyve learned into action. Traditional health education can give them the information they need but the learning experience may not engage and empower them to use what theyve learned in their daily lives. Education was focused on passive didactic format where patients do not interact with the educator and generally use a lecture or print format (Norris et al, 2001). Middleton et al (2006) found that its purpose was often unclear to both patients and health care professionals. The old model of education is outmoded and ineffective (Skinner et al, 2007). Education has now moved towards a collaborative format where patient actively participate in the learning process through small group discussion, role playing and other interactive techniques (Norris et al, 2001). 1.3 Patient Centered Approach and Empowerment The National Service Framework for diabetes (DoH, 2001) standard 3 states that all people with diabetes will: Receive a service which encourages partnership in decision-making, supports them in managing their diabetes and helps them to adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle. The purpose of diabetes education is clear. It should empower people with diabetes to make informed choices about their condition (Funnel and Anderson, 2003). Anderson et al (1991) at the Michigan Diabetes Research and Training Center (MDRTC) introduced empowerment into patient education in diabetes at the beginning of the 1990s in the US. They implemented empowerment group education programmes in diabetes (empowerment programme) and evaluated their programme. An improvement in self-efficacy and glycaemic control was reported among the patients who had participated in the programme compared to those in the wait-listed control group. Following the valuation of patient educational interventions for people with type 2 diabetes during the 21st century, Deakin et al (2006) showed that there is a trend to actively involve patients in their care in accordance with the empowerment philosophy. The investigator compared group education programmes with routine diabetes care and found that group-based programmes involving patient empowerment has positive effect on biomedical and psychological out come. The concept of empowerment requires an initial understanding of what the treatment pathway is trying to achieve and is continual information sharing process encompassing learning and behaviour change which aims to allow the patient to take responsibility for their own condition. (Meetoo and Gopaul, 2004) For empowerment to be effective it is important for patients to have the appropriate information to enable them to make informed choices, if they have the capability and desire to do so. They need to be able to agree plans and set goals with the support of the care team. To do so, it is important for them to understand their disease.The NSF set to ensure that people with diabetes are empowered to enhance their personal control on a day to day management of the condition. Implications for service planning were highlighted detailing how NHS will need to develop, review and audit education program to empower people with diabetes, (DoH, 2001) People are more likely to make behavioural changes if they are facilitated through patient centered care rather than imposed by care based on the medical model of delivery (DoH, 2001a).The philosophy of practice which support patient centered approached for diabetes education is well documented in chapter 3 of the DoH publication structured patient education in diabetes: report from the patient education working group (DoH, 2005). Specific strategies that grew out of the patient centered model included the following: affirming that the person with diabetes is responsible for and in control of the daily self-management of diabetes; educating patients to promote informed decision making rather than adherence/compliance; learning to set behavioural goals so that patients can make changes of their own choosing; integrating clinical, psychosocial, and behavioural aspects of diabetes self-management; affirming the participants as experts on their own learning needs; affirming the ability of participants to determine an approach to diabetes self-management that will work for them; affirming the innate capacity of patients to identify and learn to solve their own problems; respecting cultural, ethnic, and religious beliefs of the target population; creating opportunities for social support; and Providing ongoing self-management support. Overall the diabetes education must provide knowledge and skills, be tailored to the needs of the individual and include skills-based approaches to education. It should support people with diabetes to adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle, prevent and manage diabetes related complications that will result in improved quality of life and self-management. Healthcare professionals are encouraged to work in partnerships in the decision-making process to support the individual to manage his or her condition. 1.4 Effectiveness of Diabetes Group Education The manner in which education is delivered can be the subject of much debate. Education can be delivered in a one to one session or in group settings. Diabetes group education has been seen as an effective intervention since 1970 (Mensing, 2003). Traditionally, it was more of a medical model where patients handed their medical problem for the doctors to cure. They are told what to do and expecting good results (Calabretta, 2002). As the process of group education has evolved over time, diabetes education has changed from a medical didactic presentation to more of theoretical, patient centered and empowerment model. Diabetes group education is now seen as a first line approach to improve diabetes outcome. With the increase in number of people diagnosed with diabetes, more education is being delivered now in groups as compared to the past. The environment should support and reinforce self management and patients and their health care should work in collaborative way. Self management can only be successful in a well organised and coordinated diabetes service where patients are supported to make informed choices (Norris et al, 2001). Several reviews and meta- analyses provide valuable information on the effectiveness of group education. Mullen et al( 1985) found that patient knowledge about their medication significantly improved in group education, one to one counselling , written and other audiovisual material. Norris et al (2002) suggest that the literature in diabetes education is divided although there may be more positive effect on group education as compared to the individual one. Deakin et al(2006) showed that there is some evidence to support group-based diabetes self-management education as an effective way to improve knowledge and glycemic control and to reduce BP, body mass index (BMI), and the need for diabetes medication. However, a number of issues arise when reviewing the literature on the relative effectiveness of group education compared to individual ones. Some researchers make comparison difficult by focusing on different outcome rather than the delivery format whereas others compare it with usual program without considering the relative effectiveness (Mensing,2003). Wilson (1997) noted that it is not easy to figure out whether the outcome is from an educational approach based on a specific theory or from intervention applied to a specific setting and population. Given these issues and limitation, it is difficult to draw conclusion about group effectiveness. More evaluation research must be done in this field to answer these questions. NICE (2003) has highlighted the effectiveness of group education sessions .For healthcare professionals, group sessions are considered as the most cost-effective way of delivering education. In the present financial climate, and with the increase in the numbers of people with newly diagnosed diabetes, it could be argued that group education is the only way forward if healthcare professionals are to be able to provide education for the majority of people with diabetes. A group approach to patient education makes sense from what we already know about the positive effects of peer support and the inadequacies of the brief medical appointment. The potential benefit of an effective group education programme for people with type 2 diabetes is to enhance skill and knowledge, to make positive behavioural changes for better metabolic outcome, psychological outcome and improve quality of life. 1.5 The Two National Programs for people with type 2 Diabetes : XPERT AND DESMOND Most people diagnosed with diabetes are offered some sort of education, at least when they are diagnosed (NICE, 2008). However, there is still much debate over the educaà tional approach that is most effective in delivering such crucial health information in a way that leads to measurable changes in patient behaviour and improved clinical outcomes. The two national group education programs available for adults with type 2 diabetes are (DESMOND) and X-PERT program. Both are patient centered, meet the NICE key criteria, flexible in their content and adaptable to patients educational and cultural background. However, the two structured group varies in their cost implication and duration of the program. Depending upon primary care trust funding funding, avaibility of health care professionals and what best suits patients, either DESMOND or X_PERT are chosen to be delivered by the primary care trust. 1.51 XPERT DIABETES PROGRAM The X-PERT diabetes programme is a six-week professionally-led programme based on the theories of patient empowerment and patient activation. The X-PERT course is designed to be delivered to anyone diagnosed with diabetes It aims to increase knowledge, skills and confidence leading to informed decisions regarding diabetes self-management (Deakin Whitham,2010). Participation in the X-PERT Programme by adults with type 2 diabetes has been shown at 14 months to have led to improved glycaemic control, reduced total cholesterol level, improved body mass index and waist circumference, reduced requirement for diabetes medication, increased consumption of fruit and vegetables, increased enjoyment of food, and improved knowledge of diabetes, self-empowerment, self-management skills and treatment satisfaction (Deakin et al, 2006). Contents of the X-PERT Diabetes Programme include: What is diabetes? The eatwell plate and energy balance. Carbohydrate awareness and glycaemic index. The benefits of physical activity. Supermarket tour and understanding food labels. Possible complications of diabetes and their prevention. Lifestyle experiment. Are you an X-PERT? Game. Care Planning: the lifestyle experiment. There is a one off cost to run X-PERT and this is approximated to à £1400. 1.52 DESMOND The DESMOND programme was launched in 2004, and is currently the most familiar education programme provided in the UK. It was developed as a collaborative project involving a multidisciplinary, multicentre collaborative team which agreed upon a core set of philosophical principles to the use of informed choice as the key to empowerment. They drew the program on three theoretical approaches: the common-sense model of illness, social learning theory, and use of a discovery learning process (DESMOND, 2004). DESMOND aims to educate patients about type 2 diabetes. It provides resources for them to manage their disease, and offer a group-based opportunity to meet and share experiences with others in the same situation .The DESMOND programme is facilitated by two health care professionals who have been formally trained. The course is usually delivered for 6 hours and is based on a formal curriculum. It is offered either as a 1-day or 2 half-day sessions and accommodates 6-10 patients in one group. DESMOND helps to promote the understanding of type 2 diabetes, allowing the patients to be more knowledgeable about the condition and what can benefit their long-term health. It encourages patient to work together with the health care professionals to take an active role in the management of their type 2 diabetes. It helps patients to see their illness in a well define way which drives them for positive changes. The program content includes: Thoughts and feelings of the patients around their condition. Understanding diabetes and glucose: what actually happens in the body. Understanding the risk factors and complications associated with diabetes. Understanding monitoring and medications. How to take control: Food Choices and Physical Activity. Future care plan. DESMOND was piloted in 15 English PCTs between January and May 2004 (Skinner, 2006). Initial abstracts of preliminary research findings were presented at the Diabetes UK annual conference in 2005. Pilot data indicated the DESMOND course for newly diagnosed individuals changed important illness beliefs. At three month follow-up there was a reported improvement in quality of life and metabolic control. DESMOND was revised following feedback from all involved parties. A larger randomised controlled trial was conducted involving 824 adult patients in 207 general practices in 13 primary care sites in the United Kingdom. The results showed that compared to patients who did not undergo the DESMOND programme there were greater improvements in weight loss and smoking cessation and positive improvements in beliefs about illness but there were no differences in haemoglobin A1C levels up to 12 months after diagnosis (Davies et al,2008). The author feels that it is difficult to compare DESMOND to X-PERT because of the different populations (newly diagnosed diabetes compared with established diabetes) and because the study concerned multiple sites and educators. In response to the Hba1c the author commented that it is usual for noticeable reductions to occur in levels shortly after diagnosis and in terms of showing a difference in levels between groups, patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes may be the most difficult in which to demonstrate this(Davie s et al,2008). To investigate this further, a follow-up was carried out three years later. 743 participants were eligible for follow-up at 3years. Biomedical data were collected from 604 (81.3%) and questionnaire data from 536. Those followed up were older, had a higher BMI , higher waist circumference and higher depression score than those who were not. The result indicates a lack of difference in biomedical and lifestyle measure but the author reckoned that this is not unexpected as drift towards pre intervention values is commonly observed (Khunki et al, 2010) . However accumulated effects, which were not significant individually, did manifest themselves as a difference in UKPDS score. The differences in illness belief scores show that attending DESMOND results in positive changes in understanding of diabetes, which are sustained at 3 years.Therefore attending a single course at diagnosis is beneficial, but patients need to continue receiving ongoing support to help them to manage their diabetes. The study done on cost effectiveness for DESMOND found that per patient cost of providing the DESMOND Newly Diagnosed or Foundation programme compares very favourably to the provision of oral glycaemic agents(Gillet et al, 2010). The therapeutic benefit of the DESMOND structured education programme is effective as a once-off intervention to help lower biomedical markers as well as having a positive impact on peoples health beliefs and health outcomes (Gillet et al, 2010). Although it is likely that the one off DESMOND intervention is cost effective, it must be noted that the DESMOND programme was never intended as a one off intervention. Moreover, in the real world, costs of delivering the DESMOND programme are likely to vary considerably across primary care trusts. The main variables affecting the cost are the number of educators trained, the grade of healthcare professional delivering courses, venue cost, ratio of demand to head of population (including participation rate), number of patients per course, and overhead rates. It hopes to promote understanding of type 2 diabetes, allowing patients to be more knowledgeable about what will positively benefit their long-term health as they live with the condition. 1.6 Diabetes Conversation Map: Recently, healthy interaction in collaboration with Diabetes UK, sponsored by Lilly company, has introduced Diabetes Conversation Maps in UK. Diabetes Conversation Maps was created in 2005 in Canada and since then over 60% of diabetes educators has been trained for the program. It was next launched in America in 2006 and now over 20,000 health professionals have been trained. Diabetes Conversation Map serves as a facilitation tool to engage individuals in conversations around their condition and usually last for 2 hours. (Healthyi, 2005) Diabetes Conversation Map is an educational tool which has transformed healthcare education throughout the world by engaging people in meaningful conversations about their health(Healthyi, 2005). The American Diabetes Association (ADA) believes that it is one of the most important innovation in a decade. Conversation Mapà ¢Ã¢â¬Å¾Ã ¢ education tools have been developed by Healthy Interactions. They are built on the philosophy that people respond better when they are engaged, empowered, and draws their own conclusions as to why they need to change behaviours (ADA, 2006). In this way, that will be an impact on their overall health as opposed to didactic interventions where patients are told what to do by a healthcare professional. The Diabetes Conversation Map methodology creates an experience whereby patients develop their own self-management solution that accounts for their individual challenges and situation. The patients, in turn, then own the solution because it is theirs. They are subsequently much more likely to embrace and implement the change needed to improve their condition The main philosophy is that people will act on their own conclusions by engaging themselves in an experience(Healthyi, 2005). It allows them to explore health facts through dialogue and enable decision making. Conversation map shapes the way in which people are motivated for positive behavioural change. The 6 components of the map are map visuals, facts, questions, group interaction, facilitator and action plan. The program is delivered to a small group of 3-10. It facilitates discussion, not lectures and must be delivered by trained health professionals. It benefits the patients as people are visual learners and like exploring and discovering their own answers. The map is fun and provides a process that patient use to internalise and personalise health information. For educators, it is simple to use, portable and non technology dependent. The program content includes basic facts about diabetes, healthy eating, self-monitoring of blood glucose, diabetes complications, and gestational diabetes The evaluation done in Enfield showed that Diabetes Conversation Map offers several advantages (Monk, 2009). First and foremost, it enables better use of staff time as it requires one member of the healthcare team to facilitate the session, allowing more time for direct patient contact. In terms of financial implication, to run the education program, cost is very minimal. Hand-outs are provided for free from Diabetes Uk and Lilly company which can be photocopied. Although the non-attendance rate remains high in enfield, it was observed that the number of patients attending Conversation Map is better and most patient who come to the first session the other sessions. It is reported that patient get to know each other during the program which help to break down barriers and improve group dynamics (Monk , 2009). Overall, the evaluations done in Enfield area have been positive. However, the result could have been influenced by the fact that the evaluations were completed at the end of the session and handed to the facilitator. In April 2008 a survey was done to assess the effectiveness of the Diabetes Conversation Map training sessions and initial impact on diabetes self-management education (Grenci, 2010). The survey results indicated that sixty-five percent of diabetes educators attribute improved patient self-management to the Diabetes Conversation Map tools. Eighty percent of healthcare professionals say that the tools make group facilitation more interactive and engaging. More than sixty percent say that there was an increase in patient interest in diabetes education and it boosts their willingness to learn. When asked about the most effective method in helping patients to adopt positive behaviours and achieve good outcomes, forty percent of the diabetes educators believe that Diabetes Conversation Map session is most effective. Only twelve percent report that the traditional education means as effective in this survey. Ninety percent of those who have had firsthand experience with the tools suggest that they would recommend them to their peers (Grenci,2010). In terms of metabolic outcome such as Hba1c, cholesterol, blood pressure, weight and patient satisfaction, so far there is no data available. However there will be an upcoming clinical trial called Interactive Dialogue to Educate and Activate (IDEA), which is sponsored by Merck, to identify outcomes using three separate treatment arms:, patients using the Conversation Map tools, patients using individual intervention without using the Conversation Map tools, patients using no formal diabetes education but the data will only be available in five years time. The data will be gathered on an annual basis over the duration of five years and the study will look into metabolic outcomes (A1C, blood pressure, cholesterol, weight) as well as patient and educator satisfaction, knowledge retention and several other behavioural markers of success(Merck , 2009). Nevertheless, the group-based IDEA education method using the Conversation Map approach was executed as planned and showed promise to improve diabetes self-management behaviours. Clinical and behavioural outcome data are necessary and will be forthcoming. 1.7 Current Diabetes Group Education Program in NHS Bromley To fulfil the NICE criteria and provide a quality diabetes care, the NHS Bromley chose to deliver DESMOND education program for all patients who are newly diagnosed patients. DESMOND has been ongoing for the past four years but the cost implication to deliver DESMOND is à £5000 per year plus ongoing à £5/person for the resources. With a diabetes population of 13,000 and about 10-15 referrals received on a weekly basis for DESMOND, NHS Bromley is striving towards an enhanced Diabetes Service to meet the increased demands and to curb the economic burden. In view of the strong positive feedback from diabetes educators in the US, the short duration of the program and the cost, NHS Bromley feel that Diabetes Conversation Map may be an alternative that could be used. As there is a lack of data for metabolic outcome and patient satisfaction, this study will be undertaken to evaluate which group education is more effective to be delivered at NHS Bromley. 2.0 Aim of the study: The aim of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of DESMOND Group education program versus Diabetes Conversation Map group education program for people who are newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at NHS Bromley. It is a requirement of the NSF for diabetes that education is available to everybody with type 2 diabetes. At present, DESMOND is the most widely used programme available in the community setting, however this may not meet the needs of every local population. The Conversation Map tools may be an alternative or additional tool that could be used. In Enfield these have been used with success. The author is aware of work that has been ongoing to ensure that this method of education is fully compliant with the NICE criteria and is keen to implement this as soon as it is available. 2.1 Objectives: To measure patient biomedical outcome before and 3 months after the delivery of both group educations To assess patient satisfaction before and after the delivery of both group educations. 2.2 Hypothesis: DESMOND and Diabetes Conversation Group Education will have different biomedical outcome DESMOND and Diabetes Conversation Group education will have different patient satisfaction and quality of life outcome. 2.3 Study Design: Questionnaire Survey involving both quantitative and qualitative design analysis.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Utopia in Gulliver Travels and Paradise Lost Essay -- comparison compa
The Inconceivable Utopia in Gulliver Travels and Paradise Lostà à à In Jonathon Swift's Gulliver Travels and in John Milton's Paradise Lost, the reader is presented with two lands representing utopias. For Swift this land is an island inhabited by horse like creatures called Houyhnhnms who rule over man like beasts called Yahoos. For Milton, the Garden of Eden before the Fall of man represents Paradise. In it, Adam and Eve are pure and innocent, untested and faithful to God. The American Heritage Dictionary defines utopia as "an ideally perfect place, especially in its social, political, and moral aspects." And while Houyhnhnm Land and the Garden of Eden may seem like ideally perfect places, they are not. Indeed, they contradict our ideas of utopia. à Our fascination with utopias stems from our attraction to and pursuit of progress within our own society. We study utopias with the hope that our society will someday evolve into one. But what often goes unnoticed is that if our society improves enough to become utopian, it won't be able to improve any longer. Hence, it will be rigid and unchanging, the complete opposite of what it was as it evolved to its elevated state. This is an awful truth for us because we place value and virtue in the ideas of desire and progress. Our reason tells us: once in an ideal land, desire cannot simply cease to be, because desire is part of our human nature. And our reason is right. An ideal society should accentuate our human nature, not suppress it. As we desire a perfect society we know that a perfect could not exist without our desire. And as long as we desire, we hope for progress. The idea that an utopia wouldn't allow such progress to occur is enough to make us stop believing in utop... ...ames Holly. "Milton and the Art of War." John Milton, Poet and Humanist: essays by James Holly Hanford. Cleveland: Press of Western Reserve U, 1966. 185-223. Lock, F. P. The Politics of Gulliver's Travels. Oxford, Great Britain: Oxford University Press, 1980. Milton, John. Paradise Lost. Ed. Roy Flannagan. New York: Macmillan, 1993. Patrides, C.A. Milton and The Christian Tradition. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1966) Revard, Stella Purce. The War in Heaven. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1980. Rodino, Richard H. "The Study of Gulliver's Travels, Past and Present." Critical Approaches to Teaching Swift. New York: AMS Press, 1992. Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver's Travels. Mahwah, NJ: Watermill Press, 1983. Tuveson, Ernest. (Ed.) Paradise Lost: A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1964.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Qatar’s Economy
Business in Qatar Should one do business in Qatar? Qatar is a small country in the Middle East. I've come to realize that Qatar, just like any other country has it's poor and plentiful sides. Qatar is a small country with immense expectations for future business with other countries. Letââ¬â¢s start by looking at Qatarââ¬â¢s political and economic standpoint. While Qatar is more of a conservative society than others, it has set out on a path towards economic modernization and political stability. Amir Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani has been the chief of state since 1995 and has led Qatar to becoming more open to global markets.He is a strong advocate to having relations with the United States as well. In 2003 and 2004 the economy of Qatar was growing and expected to continue growing. According to Douglas Walter, author of Consider Qatar, stated that Qatar's economy is driven by revenues from natural gas and oil resources. Qatar has one of the largest oil reserves in the world, with as much oil to last as long as 200 years, that was said in 2005. I can only imagine how much oil it has now. Qatar is striving to make itself more attractive for investments and trade with other countries.With the importance of foreign trade on the economy of Qatar, export taxation is a primary source of funding public spending and development in Qatar. In 1994, Qatar succumbed to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, which is now known as the World Trade Organization. They have built its trade and investment state so that they are following their obligations to the World Trade Organization by reducing tariffs, removing unnecessary restrictions and barriers to trade, and providing foreign investor more opportunities.The United States is still trying to get Qatar to become part of the Free Trade Agreement. It seems like doing business in Qatar, is easier than some countries. Some companies that do business with Qatar have reported that going through customs is not a hassle. Qa tari companies and customers seem eager to work with Americans and like buying U. S. Made products and services. Qatar has a stable currency, and the country inflicts no foreign exchange controls.Qatar permits up to 100% of foreign ownership in agriculture, manufacturing, health, education, tourism, power and projects involved in the development of natural resources, pending approval from the government. Qatar is also a member of various international financing bodies. It levies no taxes on the individuals' income and no fees on exports, whereas he fees on imports are exceedingly low and are estimated at 4 percent. Qatar is also famous for its banking market. There are no restrictions on transferring capitals overseas, which make the whole of Qatar a free trade zone.The issuing of law No. (1) in the year 1980 regulating industry in Qatar provided for incentives for local investors in the industry field and in addition to the promotional incentives regulated by law No. (19) in the ye ar 1995 which facilitates the process of obtaining industry licenses and unifies the executive bodies that grant promotional incentives. U. S. exports to Qatar in 2004 totaled $423 million. Within the span of five years, U. S. exports to Qatar have increased by over 200%. All indicators ââ¬â the growing strength of the U. S. Qatar geopolitical relationship, growth in the world demand for natural gas, and Qatarââ¬â¢s successful economic reform and diversification strategy among others ââ¬â strongly suggest significant growth in future U. S. exports to this market. Qatar has its own specific rules when it concerns other countries operating in this country. There are several services that are available for interested parties looking to do business within Qatar, such as legal, financial, tax matters, business counseling, company background checks, and feasibility studies.Now there is not any personal income tax within Qatar, but foreign-owned companies must pay tax on corpora te income. One downfall to this is that U. S. Companies wanting to do business in Qatar will have double taxation. Now with labor in the country of Qatar, all non-Qataris must have a valid work permit issued by the Department of Labor to work in Qatar. Qatar has a new labor law which aims to balance the rights of employers and employees, also institutes hiring priority to Qatari nationals.It gives the employers obligations that the employment contract must be in writing, the recognition of the concept of end-of-service benefits, and limitations on how many hours can be worked per week. Now seeing a country prosper with it's oil and natural gas revenues and to see how beautiful the country actually is, who wouldn't want to do business in Qatar. I've been there and can see how a U. S. Company could become a success over there. I've been to several places in Doha and have seen familiar places, such as Apple-bees, Chiliââ¬â¢s, and Fuddruckers.With Qatarââ¬â¢s great relationship wi th the United States, it couldn't hurt for a company to open up over in Qatar and bring more to the country that is striving. Works Cited ââ¬Å"Qatar Now. â⬠N. p. ,n. d. Web 21 Nov. 2012 http://www. diwan. gov. qa/english/qatar/Qatar_now. htm ââ¬Å"Rules of Business in Qatar-Export. govâ⬠N. p. ,n. d. Web. 21 Nov 2012. http://www. export. gov/middleeast/country_information/qatar/considerqatarguide. pdf ââ¬Å"Grasp, Rules of Business in Qatarâ⬠N. p. ,n. d Web. 21 Nov 2012. http://graspcorp. co. uk/en/about/about-qatar/
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Creation Myth in Different Cultures
The Creation Myth in Different Cultures Myths can be discussed as the important elements of each culture because ancient people expressed their vision of the world and its laws in the form of mythological stories as the attempt to explain the unfamiliar objects and processes.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Creation Myth in Different Cultures specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Thus, myths included the description of the processes which nature was rather difficult to be understood by the ancient people. That is why, a lot of myths which are presented in different cultures are based on the similar topics, but the details of the myth can be various. From this point, the theme of the world creation is one of the most popular topics of myths, and the creation myth is typical for different cultures. To understand the significance of the creation story for different cultures and explore the particular features of the myth, it is necessary to focus on the Mesopo tamian myth known as the Enuma Elish, on the Pelasgian myth characteristic for the Greek culture, and on the Egyptian myth about Atum. Although the Mesopotamian, Egyptian, and Greek cultures developed their own mythological stories based on the topic of the world creation, these myths have a lot of similarities which accentuate the common form of the creation myth and its significance for different cultures. The problem of the worldââ¬â¢s beginnings is one of the most controversial points for the discussion today. Furthermore, it is the central idea of many ancient myths. According to Murtagh, ââ¬Å"at the foundation of nearly every culture is a creation myth that explains how the wonders of the earth came to beâ⬠(Murtagh). The ancient people could not understand the world processes and explained them with the help of mythological imagery. Different cultures used their own approaches to explaining the birth of the Universe, but the basic aspects of the process are similar because they depend on the peopleââ¬â¢s beliefs, values, and expectations.Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More According to peopleââ¬â¢s visions, the world can have its origin from the chaos or water, and the myths where the earth emerges out of water are known as diver myths (Murtagh). For instance, the story of creating the world out of water as a result of the struggle with the chaos is depicted in the Mesopotamian Enuma Elish. The role of the water and chaos is also significant for the Pelasgian creation myth. Furthermore, the watery chaos Nu is accentuated in the Egyptian creation myth as the roots of the Universe. The role of water in the creation stories can be explained with references to the role of water in the ancient peopleââ¬â¢s everyday life as it was in Egypt or in the Mesopotamian territories. Nevertheless, it is possible to determine various actors as the world creators in different cultures. It is stated in the Enuma Elish that the Universe was organized as a result of the struggle between the body of water Tiamat who lost her husband Apsu and the god Marduk (ââ¬Å"The Babylonian Creation Storyâ⬠). The bodies of water have definite gender features, and they are perceived as the god and the goddess. When Marduk killed Tiamat in the struggle for superiority, the heavens and the earth were made from her body. Thus, it is possible to speak about the origin of the Universe from the water body of Tiamat. In the Pelasgian creation myth, the main actors are Eurymone and Ophion, and the major symbol is the Cosmic Egg after breaking which the Universe was made (ââ¬Å"Greek Creation Storyâ⬠). The Egyptians focused on their sun-god Ra or Atum and his children as the gods creating the world (Hagin). In spite of the fact different gods and creators of the world depicted in various creation myths have different names and characteristics, there are a lot of similar features in their portraying. The Enuma Elish and the Pelasgian creation myth are similar in depicting female powers of Tiamat and Eurymone known as the Goddess of All Things.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Creation Myth in Different Cultures specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More According to the Enuma Elish, the world was made out of Tiamat, and Eurymone who was born from the chaos divided the water and heavens to dance on the sea waves in the Pelasgian myth. In the Egyptian creation myth, the accents are made on the role of male gods, but the goddess Tefnut as the daughter of Atum plays the important role in creating the other gods. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that those myths the central idea of which is to present the story of the Universe creation include definite elements which are typical for all the myths on the topic. The creation myth should inc lude not only the mentioned images of the worldââ¬â¢s creators and describe the process of creating the earth and sky but also present the processes of creating the other gods and the man. Moreover, the Universe can be created by the definite god who is alone as it is in the story about Atum, by the god with assistants or by the active and passive creators as it is in the myth about Eurynome, or as a result of the godsââ¬â¢ struggle as it is in the Enuma Elish. From this point, the processes of creating the earth and sky, the gods and the man can be discussed as the mythemes of creation stories. The water and the chaos are two important symbols which are used in all the studied myths as the source for the other parts of the Universe. However, the birth of the man is the next important mytheme. According to the Mesopotamian myth Enuma Elish, people are created from the blood of Kingu, the henchman of Tiamat. It is stated in the Pelasgian creation myth that the first man is made from the dust of Arcadia. The usage of dust or dirt as the source for creating the man is typical for many myths and religious traditions. Nevertheless, the Egyptians were inclined to think that the first man was made out of Atumââ¬â¢s tears of joy when the Universe was created.Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More However, there are similar stories about the birth of new gods. According to the Enuma Elish, there were several gods, and they fought with each other before the Universe was created, but the emergence of gods in the Egyptian and Greek traditions is a result of the main godsââ¬â¢ unions. Thus, Shu and Tefnut became the parents of Geb and Nut who became the parents of the other gods in relation to the Egyptian myth. Moreover, Eurynome gave the birth to Eros, also known as Protagonus or ââ¬Ëfirstbornââ¬â¢, and then to the seven Powers which also became the gods (ââ¬Å"Greek Creation Storyâ⬠). Those myths which are based on the topic of the world creation have a lot of specific details characteristic for different cultures, but there are many similarities in the basic symbols of these myths. The specific details accentuate the uniqueness of the cultures and the particular features of the peopleââ¬â¢s interpretation of the world with references to the geographical and social characteristics. The similar aspects which are depicted in the myths with the help of certain symbols stress the importance of the topic for all the cultures and its universal character. Greek Creation Story. n.d. Web. Hagin, Stephen. Egyptian Creation Stories. n.d. Web. Murtagh, Lindsey. Common Elements in Creation Myths. n.d. Web. The Babylonian Creation Story (Enuma Elish). n.d. Web.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Relief From Tax Penalties and Interest
Relief From Tax Penalties and Interest The best way to not have to pay tax penalties or interest to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is to file your income tax return on time and to pay your taxes when they are due. However, if exceptional circumstances beyond your control have made it extremely difficult or impossible for you to do that, you can submit a written request to the CRA asking that penalties or interest (not taxes) be canceled or waived. Taxpayer relief provisions in Canadian income tax legislation make a provision for the Minister of National Revenue to grant full or partial relief from penalty or interest payments at his/her discretion, although it is by no means handed out easily. Even if you cant pay your taxes in full, file your income tax return anyway. Before the CRA will even look at an application for relief from penalties or interest, all of your tax returns need to be filed. Deadline for Requesting Taxpayer Penalty or Interest Relief In order to be considered for relief, a request must be made within 10 years from the end of the calendar year in which the tax year or fiscal period at issue ended. Reasons Tax Penalties or Interest May Be Cancelled or Waived The CRA considers four different types of situation when considering relief from tax penalties or interest. Extraordinary Circumstances: These can include disasters, such as a flood or fire which destroyed your tax records; civil disturbances or disruption in services, such as a riot or postal strike; a serious accident or illness; or serious emotional or mental distress such as a death in the family. The circumstances of some divorces could fall into this category also.Actions by the CRA: This category is for delays that were caused primarily by the CRA. Examples are if a taxpayer was not informed within a reasonable time that an amount was owing; if a taxpayer was given incorrect information; and unreasonable and extended delays in the resolution of an objection or an appeal, or in the completion of an audit.Inability to Pay for Financial Hardship: In these situations, financial hardship means that penalties or interest are causing such hardship that the taxpayer cant provide for basic necessities such as food, rent or medical assistance. Another situation might be if tax interest or pen alties are preventing the taxpayer from ever paying taxes owing. This category requires full financial disclosure and extensive and detailed supporting documentation. Taxpayers are expected to borrow money and to sell assets if possible to meet their tax obligations. Other Circumstances: For unique situations not covered by the other categories. How to Submit a Request for Taxpayer Relief The best way to submit your request is to use the form provided by the CRA: RC4288, Request for Taxpayer Relief Be sure to read Information to Assist in Completing this Form on the last page of the form for definitions and guidance. Examples of the supporting documents that are required to support your request are also given in that section. You can also write a letter and send it to the correct address. Clearly, mark TAXPAYER RELIEF on the envelope and on your correspondence. Whether you use the form or write a letter, make sure to include a complete description of the circumstances and your tax information. Make your case in as straightforward, factual and complete a manner as possible. The CRA provides a list of information to include with your request. More on Taxpayer Relief on Penalties and Interest For detailed information on Taxpayer Relief Provisions see the CRA Guide Information Circular: Taxpayer Relief Provisions IC07-1. See Also: Penalties for Filing Your Canadian Income Taxes LateWays to Pay Your Canadian Personal Income Taxes
Monday, November 4, 2019
Gender Buying Behaviour within the Beauty Industry Essay
Gender Buying Behaviour within the Beauty Industry - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that the beauty sector is part of a vast multi-national industry. The value of the professional beauty industry in the UK in 1998 was à £366 million, which represented a growth of almost 6% on the previous year. This figure includes beauty therapy/ products treatments in a variety of sites including mobile, hair and beauty salons, health clubs, high street retailers as well as the conventional beauty salon. The growth in the customer base stood at over 13%. This means that 13% more people, visited salons and bought products in 1998 compared to 1997. The beauty industry operates through a variety of sites, all sectors of which are supported by media and advertising. However, in recent years thereââ¬â¢s a whole new target market. Traditionally, the only thing men are interested in putting on their faces is shaving cream and aftershave. But, as a generation of men raised in a culture where youth is a good age, cosmetic companies are increa singly targeting men. The sheer number of aging men is piquing the curiosity of cosmetic marketers. The number of men between 35 and 54 is expected to reach 40 million by 2000 ââ¬âup from 32 million in 1990. Cosmetic marketers have never had much success targeting men. Lancome launched a menââ¬â¢s line about five years ago, then quickly pulled it. Two California companies, Jan Stuart and Inner-Face also launched menââ¬â¢s lines during the 1980s that flopped.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Literature Review For Creating strong teacher-student relationships to Research Paper
Literature Review For Creating strong teacher-student relationships to improve student achievement in Mathematics class - Research Paper Example Joffrey, with preparation and a sense of delight and gratitude, gave students a chance to explain mathematics inculcating a love for the subject (Strogatz and Joffray, 2009). The Calculus of Friendship is not only a delightful read for aspiring mathematics teachers, but also emphasized the importance of teacher-student relationship for mathematics learning. Mathematics education has evolved over the last hundred years (Jankvist, 2010). Recent perspectives on mathematics teaching and learning have stressed on the importance of mathematical reasoning, problem-solving skills, and their application of real life situations. Depaepe et al. (2007) argued that aspects of classroom culture assumed to enhance beliefs and problem-solving competencies include establishment of classroom norms; instructional techniques and classroom organizational forms; and set of tasks. Strong focus on heuristic skills and embedding tasks in real life are aspects that are easier to implement. The use of technology has been brought about by professional thinking about pedagogy (Katz and Solomon, 2008). Systems include the use of computer-based tools and resources (Smith, 1998; Pear and Crone-Todd, 2002). Ruthven et al. (2004) described the contribution of technology in seven themes including improving working processes and production; supporting processes such as trialling, checking, and refinement; enhancing the variety and appeal of classroom activity; fostering independence among pupils and peer support; overcoming difficulties among pupils and building reassurance; broadening reference and increasing activity currency; and focussing on overarching issues and accentuating important features. Professional thinking and use of technology is anchored in student motivation and classroom learning. Kilpatrick et al. (2001) argued that students need to think mathematically for learning mathematics. In order to be mathematically proficient, students must
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Ocean warming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Ocean warming - Essay Example These recognized services of the ocean are required in sustaining the life support system in the earth, thus, the earth should have a healthy oceanic and coastal environment. Ocean warming is a threat to the health of the world ocean that is why ocean management strategies are to be properly implemented. These management strategies of marine ecosystem are not properly applied which result to the decreasing capacity of the ocean to store C02 secretion. The ocean is now suffering the severe consequences brought about by unmonitored secretion of C02 by human activities and one of this is ocean acidification (Feely, et al., 2006, pp.1-4). This is the result in too much giving up of C02 in the earthââ¬â¢s atmosphere which paved the way in the warming of the ocean. This paperââ¬â¢s aim is to get a clear idea on scientistââ¬â¢s suspicion about the warming of the ocean and its real scenario. Its main objective is to be able to know what exactly is ocean warming as well as to identify and assess changes that had led to this situation. Illustration and evidences are presented to have a clear picture on how C02 greatly affects the increased heating of the ocean. The environmental and social impact of changes in the ocean/atmosphere interaction will also be tackled. This is also design to inform the society of their share, a recommendation on what to do upon knowing that the ocean is warming. Global climate change is a very crucial issue especially with regard to the increasing of heat content of the world ocean and the raising of sea level. U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Administrator Dr. James Baker (2000) said, there ââ¬Å"has been warming to a depth of nearly 10,000 feet in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceansâ⬠(cited in Stevenson, n.d.). Ocean warming is considered to be a complex problem and is not a simple matter for scientists that are engrossed in
Monday, October 28, 2019
Southwest Airline Essay Example for Free
Southwest Airline Essay Southwest Airlines was introduced in Texas on June 18, 1971 with three Boeing 737 airplanes and only serving three cities of Texas which included Houston, Dallas and San Antonio. The company came a long way since 1971; today Southwest Airlines has 537 Boeing 737 airplanes and serving 68 cities around the US. Southwest Airlines has become a major airline in 1989 when it hit the billion-dollar revenue mark. Southwest Airlines is the United Statesââ¬â¢ most successful airline due to the low fares, high frequency, and point-to-point carrier. According to the Southwest Airlines Fact Sheet 2010 ââ¬Å"Southwest operates more than 3,200 flights a day coast-to-coast, making it the largest U. S. carrier based on domestic passengersââ¬â¢ carrier as of September 30, 2009â⬠. As June 2011, Southwest Airlines has become the top airline to carries the most domestic passengers in the US. Southwest Airlines in 2013 has expanded their destination to 86 cities in 42 states and Puerto Rico. The current CEO of Southwest Airlines is Gary Kelly and his vision for the company is ââ¬Å"to connect people to what important in their lives through friendly, reliable, and low cost air travelâ⬠. According to the ââ¬Å"Gary is a 27-years Southwest veteran who began his career at Southwest Airlines as Controller, moving up to Chief Financial Officer and Vice President Finance, then Executive Vice President and CFO, before being promoted to CEO and Vice Chairman in July 2004. Gary assumed the roles of Chairman and President in 2008. Prior to joining Southwest Airlines in 1986, Gary was a CPA for Arthur Young Company in Dallas and Controller for Systems Center, Inc.â⬠Gary has received many awards during his 27 years with the company and twice being named CEO of the year by D CEO Magazineââ¬â¢s. Also, he was named of the best CEO in America by Institutional Investor three times. According to the ââ¬Å"Gary was selected as Dallas Businessà Journals CEO of the year for 2011. In 2010, Gary was honored with the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the University of Texas at Austin. In 2013, Gary will be inducted into the McCombs School of Business Hall of Fame at the University of Texas at Austin; Gary is the recipient of the 2013 Father of the Year Award; and Gary is the recipient of the 2013 McLane Leadership in Business Award at Texas AM University.â⬠According to Gary Kelly and their mission statement ââ¬Å"is dedication to the highest quality of Customer Service delivered with a sense of warmth, friendliness, individual price and Company Spiritâ⬠. They have been operating their business exactly as their mission statement. They have been so successful due largely to the usual focus on their employees. LUV and FUN is the program which Southwest has created for their employees and their focus on customer service which they have to show respect for one and another, represent the company and create a comfortable, relax and fun working environment. Southwest Airlinesââ¬â¢ Strengths Southwest airlines has many strengthsââ¬â¢, but one that brings in profit to the company in a major way is their customer service. Southwest airlines has the highest quality of customer service that is delivered with a sense of warmth, friendliness, individual pride, and company spirit. That statement is not only their motto, but also their way of making a profit. Southwest brand their name on good customer service. They have been admired to be the third top ranked airline in the U.S and the tenth in the airline industry. Buyology and an online research marking company evaluated 4,000 men and women, with four key parameter of a company; the awe, the superiority harmony and exploration of a company to rank the top ranked company. According to, ââ¬Å"220 brands and companies were studying during this evaluation the company were matched by numerically with strength and weakness. With relation with Southwest airline consciously and unconsciously Southwest airline earned the top spot for 2012.â⬠Not only do bag fly free Southwest airline was the first airline to offer senior discounts, ticketless traveling, and services for air freight delivery to the common traveler. Southwest airline offers credit based on the number of trips with the airline instead of the total miles traveled also understanding the not how far you fly itââ¬â¢s how many times you fly withà Southwest airline. As Southwestââ¬â¢s major strength is the customer service making a profit is another strength that has sustained them. In 2012, Southwest airline marked the most profitable airline in U.S airline industry unmatched for over 30 years. These profits is the results of the exemplary customer service that Southwest airline has making over 421 million dollars in 2012 alone. Another major strength is Southwest airlines website. During the second quarter of 2013, 80 percent of Southwest airline passenger revenues were booked via In addition to flights, customers are able to make car, hotel, cruise, and complete vacation package reservations on Southwest airline has the Southwest Shortcut feature on, which is the first online tool that helps customers find the lowest fare based on availability across the entire month. Southwest airline has many strengths, but as southwest airline put it in a nut shell its all about. According to, ââ¬Å"Southwest continues to differentiate itself from other carriers with exemplary Customer Service delivered by nearly 46,000 Employees to more than 100 million Customers each year among 96 destinations in 41 states, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and five near-international countries all at low far.â⬠Southwest Airlinesââ¬â¢ Weaknesses Southwest Airlines has become one of the top airlines in America, it is the number one airline that carries domestic passengers around the state. Southwest Airlines have followed their CEO leadership, they do what they are supposed to do and they are carried on their mission statement to the fullest. With that in mind Southwest Airlines could be the only perfect airline and have many advantages compare to others: as for examples low fares, beautiful flight attendants and happy employees who respect one and another. Southwest Airlines has successfully built a great, comfortable and relax workplace for their employees. Also, they have great customer service which is always their first priority. Unfortunately there is no such thing as a perfect company or a perfect person because the world that we live in right now is not perfect, so Southwest Airlines has many strengths but they are also have many weaknesses as well. The first weakness of Southwestà Airlines is within their company. Debt and operating expenses are among the tops of the company priority, according to ââ¬Å"The company is estimated to possess $361 million of debt on their balance sheet, and until they pay down these debts it will drag significantly on their businessâ⬠. Debt will drag on the business of Southwest. Also the Mounting Operating Expense can count as one the weaknesses of the company as well. The company has to pay out more for fuel because it has grown 182.30% for the average of gallon from 2005 to 2011. Unfortunately, the company also has to deal with it employeesââ¬â¢ union because of the union has demand more services and benefits for their members, and by the end of the day Southwest doesnââ¬â¢t have much left money to cover their debts and expenses. The second weakness of Southwest Airline is the services provided to customers. According to ââ¬Å"Southwest Airlines doesnââ¬â¢t provide international flights, they donââ¬â¢t have seating options, their cargo space is very limited, they only have one type of airplane, Very short trips earn the same amount of perks as a long, extensive flight. Scrutiny of potential employees based on personality before skill could be dangerous.â⬠Not having international flights and only have one aircraft for their services are the disadvantages to Southwestââ¬â¢s competitors. These days more and more passengers going out of country for their business trips which will increase profits and customers for the company. Only have one type of aircraft which is a great way to save money when the maintenance services come. Also, it is a big disadvantage for Southwest Airlines because the aircraft has a limited space for passengersââ¬â¢ luggage. Southwest Airlines also doesnââ¬â¢t have a seating chart and no business option for their passengers. It is a great way to save money for the company and as well for the passengers to get a lowest air fares as possible, but many business passengers want their own space to work on their presentations or their companiesââ¬â¢ projects. So, without the business class option the airline will be losing out to its competitors. Another weakness of Southwest Airlines is the company only provides limited destinations for its passengers and mostly is from the South. The limited areas will limit the number of passengers who will choose Southwest as their designated airlines. It is hard and difficult to compete with other larger airlines that serve both domestics and internationally with also help them to build bigger market for their companies. Southwest Airlinesââ¬â¢ Opportunities Now that the merger of Southwest Airline with AirTran is now complete, growth is on the rise for Southwest, its customers and employees. In the acquisition, Southwest now can handle more international destinations with its new fleet of larger aircrafts. This gives more diversity for the customer and gives Southwest the ability to keep its fares low. Southwest also gained 8,000 additional employees from AirTran and if done correctly, this merger can only improve its customer service rating. Southwest Airlines is one of the top airlines in service today; known for their strategy, dedicated work force, low fares and customer service. The competitorsââ¬â¢ component or analysis is defined as the process of identifying the performance and marketing strategy of competitive brands or products in the marketplace. So what is it about Southwest Airlines that has put them in such an elite category compared to the competition? Southwestââ¬â¢s main strategy is to keep things simple. ââ¬Å"It has never served meals, does not have advanced seat reservations, and flies only Boeing airplanes. These decisions have helped Southwest be flexible in the face of the recent decreases in airplane passengers caused by the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the world economic crisis.â⬠( By reducing some of the amenities that other airlines offer, it allows them to reduce the amount of employee cut backs, maintain low fares while retaining employees that are loyal to the brand, ensuring a good customer experience. This strategy has allowed Southwest to have 39 years of profitable growth (Thompson). Southwest has been on the cutting edge of managing employee loyalty. In a recent interview with, Herb Kelleher, founder of Southwest, he expressed that the key to a productive workforce is ââ¬Å"Paying personal attention to each of your people instead of a formula, also to empower employees and back them up (Kelleher)â⬠(Thompson). Over time, implementing these general tactics has reinforced a working culture at Southwest that separates them from their competition. A happy employee means great customer service, customer retention and consistently growing profit margins. Southwest airlines is known for its low fares but due to increasing fuel costs, limited destinations and people finding alternate ways of travel; ultimately Southwestââ¬â¢s competitive advantage of being the leader of low fares will diminish. Having fewer planes equals lower fuel costs whichà is an area that Southwest is struggling with to maintain those low airfare prices. ââ¬Å"Fuel crisis and fuel price become threats to Southwest Airlines Company. Fuel costs in 1978 averaged 37 cents per gallon while in 1979 it became 80 cents. In 1980 fuel costs exceeded $1.00 per gallon. This price hike changes the expenditure pattern of the company. Operating costs become 40% of the total budgetâ⬠(MBA Study Point case study). The only true competition for Southwest is regionally. Delta out marks them in most areas but due to Deltaââ¬â¢s concentration in the Southeast they only compete on a regional level. Delta does however fly to most of the areas where Southwest is the preferred airline. The same is not true for Southwest who has more limited destination availability. In order to compete, Southwest will need to add more destinations to their roster. Business travelers will still prefer Delta because of their perks for Business travelers which Southwest does not have. Not to have a business class excludes a whole subset of travelers that are more likely to fly on a regular basis which cuts down on profits. Southwestââ¬â¢s culture is centered around the customer. While in recent years they were positioning themselves as a low-cost airline with exceptional customer service; their fares have seen a slight increase but the standard for high quality customer service remains the same. They create an employee friendly environment that motivates employees to want to work hard and be the best they can possibly be for the company. Southwestââ¬â¢s website states ââ¬Å"happy employees = happy customersâ⬠and this is the culture they operate with every day. Southwest airline believes that volunteering is crucial to the health of nonprofit organizations that work to meet needs in different communities. Southwest airline employees volunteer their time day in and day out for the important causes that are closest to their hearts. ââ¬Å"In 2009, Southwest Airlines Employees volunteered more than 45,000 hours to charities across the country. In an effort to support these passionate Employee volunteers, Southwest Airlines launched the Tickets for Time program. For every 40 hours our Employees volunteer for a nonprofit organization, the benefitting nonprofit organization is eligible to receive one complimentary, round-trip ticket on Southwest Airlines for fundraising or transportation needsâ⬠( Southwest Airline has an outreach program for every culture and lifestyle the employee volunteer more than 137,à 000 hours. Southwest airline has an Adopt-A-Pilot program where students willà research careers and further develop life skills, while the importance of staying in school is reinforced. Southwest Airlines and AirTran pilots mentor fifth grade students and offer this program at no charge to the schools that participate in the Adopt-A-Pilot program. Southwest airline has several outreach programs that reach out to many cultures such as African- American, Asian, and Hispanic programs and LGBT. Southwest Airlinesââ¬â¢ Treats Airline industry could be affected by many factors such as general economic environment, fuel price, airline terror acts, weather conditions and air traffic restrictions. General economic environment has an impact on the demand for travel, and therefore influences the number of flights run by Southwest. The fuel price controls the companyââ¬â¢s costs; rising fuel price would increase the cost, and the company cannot always avoid influences of fuel price by fuel hedging. Terrorist attack incidents would both physically and psychologically affect customers and employees, which leads to a higher security cost. Weather conditions also, have an important impact on flights as well. Bad weather conditions may delay flights, increase turnaround time, and thus mark up costs. All these potential threats are faced by Southwest Airlines. Having been very successful in their operations, Southwest Airlines is surely a target of competitorsââ¬â¢ focus. And by that, other airlines may begin co pying Southwests strategies. Though this may show that Southwest is definitely a leader in the airline industry, it is somehow disadvantageous for the company in the long run. If those airlines try to imitate Southwestââ¬â¢s cost efficiency strategies, they can also lower their ticket prices and compete with Southwest. Through such, competition will get tougher for Southwest and it will no longer be able to monopolize the low fare sector of the industry; and worse, there is a possibility that a big company in the future, possessing more advanced technologies and facilities, will operate using Southwest Airlines low-cost model to a wider market, which will encroach and outdo Southwest Airlines. Terrorism is one of the greatest threats for people to lose faith on the airline industry. Airline companies in the US can attest to that after experiencing the ââ¬Å"911 Attackâ⬠in 2001 when they incurred major losses. Though Southwest was one of those airlines who did not incur a major loss, the possibility of an unforeseen terrorist aggression using airplanes is still a major threat inà the companyââ¬â¢s operations. This is because any loss of confidence in the safety of air travel would lead to a shift to the use of other forms of transportation, leaving Southwest struggling to fill its seats. High unemployment and inflation are keeping more travelers at home; Supply and demand price elasticity of airline carriers may vary depending on the nature of the industry. The macroeconomic factors affecting the airline industry include unemployment, the economic growth in the United States, and inflation. With low economic growth, consumers are finding luxury items more difficult to purchase and airline tickets for vacations fall into that category. Unemployment contributes to a lack of vacation travelers since individuals who are not employed do not have extra money for vacation or airline tickets. Inflation also causes operating costs of the airlines to be higher which entails cuts into the profits of Southwest. Unemployment is affecting the airline industry because consumers are taking more ââ¬Å"stay-cationâ⬠at home or vacationing to areas to which they can drive. As unemployment has risen, the airlines have laid off a much higher percentage of their people as well. Southwest Airlinesââ¬â¢ Grand Strategies Recommendations Grand strategies, often called master or business strategies, provide basic direction for strategic actions. There are many grand strategies that Southwest Airlines can choose from when considering which match with their companyââ¬â¢s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Southwest Airlines is excellent in planning their long-term goals. The above SWOT analysis proved that the company is successfully carrying out the cost leadership strategy to manipulate their competitors and boost up their company. Their mission in providing low fare cost is one of the best strategies that they have to increase their market share, and it also put a significant increase in the demand of air travel. Southwest Airlinesââ¬â¢ rapid rewards program is brilliant, so they should continue and expand it even more. Southwest Airlinesââ¬â¢ employees mainly belong to the Union and they are mainly full time workers. Since the Union has demanded more services and benefits for their members, the company gained limited profit. To fix this, the company should hire more part time workers instead of full time workers because if they implemented this they would not have to provide fullà benefits and instead focus on gaining profit. Also, Southwest Airlines should make all flights within the states point-to-point flights, and give their employees a strict timeline to alleviate delays. This will keep an accurate time frame for customers. As far as the flight concerns, Southwest Airlines has only one dependable flight, which is very dangerous when it comes to safety, but the good thing about that is an inexpensive cost for maintaining the aircraft. The safety of the customers is very important, so Southwest should increase at least one more dependable aircraft just in case something unexpected happens to the other one. Customer service is superior for Southwest Airlines, but many of their weaknesses can give their competitor many advantages. Southwest does not offer international flights, and there are increases in demand for international flights, so they should consider flying internationally within the next 5 or 6 years, or Southwest should completely become integrated with AirTran Airline by 2014 because they could put an increase in their net income. The advantages that Southwestââ¬â¢s competitors such as American Airlines and US Airways have are their inflight meals, seating charts, and highly advanced technology they have available for their customers. In this case, Southwest Airlines should invest in one more jet that provides higher quality and luxurious experience for customers such as business travelers who are willing to pay extra for it. In that jet they would offer inflight meals, provide seating options when customers book their tickets, and most important of all, they have to adv ance their jet to have advanced technologies such as television. One of Southwest Airlinesââ¬â¢ threats is a general economic environment problem like high unemployment and inflation that they cannot control. One thing that can be done is to create a program that provides customers time to pay off their ticket 5 months in advance before flying. So the customers would have enough time to pay in increments over a period of time so they do not have to worry about spending a lot of money at once. When it comes to expanding their name brand Southwest Airline should continue to increase their popularity by increasing the advertisements on both their and AirTranââ¬â¢s website. Since the websites are the main places where customers go to book their tickets, the company should put that into a good use by creating more advertisements, and therefore gaining more popularity. Lastly, Southwest should continue to foster its remarkable culture. The fun-loving attitude that the company hasà for their customers and employees shows that Southwest has a great working environment; the dedication that the employees have for the company contributes to both the tangible and intangible benefits. ââ¬Å"It is a true competitive advantage for Southwest Airlines.â⬠(Terra Thompson) Conclusion As a result in performing this project, we have learned that SWOT Analysis is the key for all businesses success. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses within the company and understanding the opportunities and threats that the company has externally are extremely important in planning the strategic plans to help the business overall outlook. As far as Southwest Airlines, we have learned that the company is very successful when it comes to the superior customer services, but Southwest should definitely continue on increasing their brand by upgrading their services within their aircrafts to become more high tech. We know that Southwest is known for their low cost fair, which gave them a huge advantage of their competitors. And the fact that they are integrating with Air Trans was a brilliant idea, because they are expanding their brand through Air Trans in providing International flights, which are, in a very high demand right now. We think Southwest Airlines is in the borderline in gaining a sustainable competitive advantage if they are expanding their aircraft to fit what their customers needs and wants. References Analyzing southwest airlines [Web log message]. (, April). Retrieved from AP News. (n.d.). Retrieved from Broughtson, R. (n.d.). Southwest airline swot analysis. Retrieved from Bruwick, L. (n.d.). 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