Thursday, September 3, 2020
Aerobic and Resistance Training Effect on Lipoprotein Levels
Oxygen consuming and Resistance Training Effect on Lipoprotein Levels Presentation Weight in grown-up populace is identified with stoutness during their adolescence. Furthermore, corpulent youths are in danger of creating stoutness as grown-ups, who will in general have irregular lipid and glucose levels (1). Heftiness is one of the significant hazard factor for creating cardiovascular maladies (14) Altered digestion of lipids is seen in fat people. (3) ) It has been proposed that significant levels of cholesterol among youngsters and teenagers is emphatically connected with advancement of future coronary heart disease.(5)In large kids and youths, expanded low thickness lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and low degrees of High thickness lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol happen as unusual lipid profile.(4,18)Among these, high thickness lipoprotein cholesterol is a significant marker for danger of creating cardiovascular disease.(6) High thickness lipoprotein level alone is demonstrative of improvement of coronary corridor ailment and there is negative connection between lev el of high thickness lipoprotein and event of cardiovascular anomaly. (7) rather than expanded low thickness lipoprotein levels, expanded high thickness lipoprotein level gives assurance against atherosclerosis process. High thickness lipoprotein plays out this defensive capacity by expelling additional cholesterol from macrophages in the blood vessel dividers to the liver for discharge through bile. This procedure is known as Reverse cholesterol transport. Further, high thickness lipoprotein (HDL) additionally has hostile to oxidant properties. (2, 19) notwithstanding cardio defensive activity, high thickness lipoprotein secures against Alzheimerââ¬â¢s sickness and dementia. Along these lines, adjustment in serum levels of high thickness lipoproteins will influence the future administration of cardiovascular and degenerative neuronal issue. (7) High thickness lipoprotein levels are raised in the individuals who are truly dynamic. (8) Exercise has been recognized as powerful trea tment for keeping up typical lipid levels in young people. (9) So, it has been generally acknowledged that ordinary vigorous preparing improves high thickness lipoprotein levels and accordingly ensures against cardiovascular abnormalities.(8) Resistance practice additionally has indicated upgrades in High thickness lipoprotein levels.(10) Reason The motivation behind this investigation is to analyze the impacts of oxygen consuming and obstruction preparing on high thickness lipoprotein levels in hefty immature guys. Free factor Oxygen consuming activity preparing and opposition practice preparing are free factors for this examination. Subordinate factors Plasma high thickness lipoprotein cholesterol level Theories H1: There will be critical change in high thickness lipoprotein level after vigorous exercise preparing. Ho1: There will be no distinction in change in high thickness lipoprotein level after vigorous exercise preparing. H2: There will be huge change in high thickness lipoprotein level after obstruction practice preparing. Ho2: There will be no distinction in change in high thickness lipoprotein level after opposition practice preparing. H3: There will be noteworthy distinction in change in high thickness lipoprotein levels between the two gatherings. Ho3: There will be no distinction in change in high thickness lipoprotein levels between the two gatherings. Suspicion It is expected that members won't change their way of life and diet propensities during study span. Members are not taking prescriptions which can influence the result and will give best endeavors during exercise. Delimitations In this examination members will be male large young people as it were. Constraints This investigation covers restricted age gathering. (13-15 years) Study centers around fat male people as it were. Writing REVIEW Plourde (2002) examined effect of corpulence on glucose and lipid profiles in youths at various age bunches comparable to adulthood. This examination was done in two phases. In the main stage members were ordered in overweight gathering and control bunch as indicated by the Body Mass Index (BMI).BMI âⰠ¥85th percentile was viewed as overweight, BMI âⰠ¥95th percentile was viewed as large and BMI âⰠ¤85th percentile were taken as controls. Glucose and lipid profiles were estimated in these subjects. Relationship among glucose and lipid profiles with anthropometric estimations was established. Second investigation was review forthcoming longitudinal examination to decide relationship of heftiness in youthfulness with that of stoutness in adulthood and weight related hazard factors. Seven distinctive age bunches from 9 to 38 years were concentrated from 1974 to 2000. It was presumed that lipid profile and glucose are identified with anthropometric measures in youths. Notwithsta nding this heftiness in young people of 13-15 years was discovered significant factor for weight in adulthood. (1) Zhang et al. (2014) contemplated the relationship of basic anthropometric records and muscle versus fat with early atherosclerosis and lipid profiles in Chinese grown-ups. Motivation behind this examination was to decide the best adiposity file to foresee the early atherosclerosis and unusual lipid profiles. In this examination 2,063 ladies and 814 men partook. Appraisal for weight record, midsection outline, abdomen to hip proportion and midriff to tallness proportion were taken. Alongside this intima media thickness of regular carotid course, inner carotid supply routes and bifurcation were estimated. Fasting Lipid profiles were evaluated. Factual examination was led to know the connection between the measures. It was discovered that abdomen outline, midriff to hip proportion and midsection to tallness proportion were firmly identified with intima media thickness and lipid profiles. In light of the outcomes, it was inferred that stomach anthropometric measures were related with lip id profile and atherosclerosis. Midriff circuit was proposed to be the best estimation for its straightforward use. Takami et al. (2001) discovered connection between muscle to fat ratio appropriations, metabolic variations from the norm and carotid atherosclerosis. In this examination, it was theorized that the intra-stomach fat is increasingly significant factor over general adiposity to foresee metabolic variations from the norm and atherosclerosis. This cross sectional investigation included 849 Japanese men with 20-70 years old. Weight list was taken as general adiposity estimation. Abdomen outline, midriff hip proportion and registered tomography were taken as proportion of intra-stomach fat appropriation. Connection between these elements and lipid profile, glucose resilience, insulin opposition and intima media thickness was investigated. Results indicated relationship between these elements. It was inferred that weight list and abdomen hip proportion are better clinical indicators of carotid atherosclerosis. Chang, Liu, Zhao, Li and Yu (2008) analyzed the impact of directed exercise preparing on metabolic hazard factors and physical wellness in Chinese stout youngsters in early adolescence. In this examination, 49 corpulent offspring of 12 to multi year old enough were partitioned into control and exercise gatherings. Exercise bunch was offered 9 to a year of regulated exercise preparing and wellbeing instruction once like clockwork. Control bunch was given just wellbeing training. Improved insulin affectability and related components of metabolic condition alongside eased back movement of heftiness was seen in practice gathering. It was inferred that stoutness and physical latency proceed in adulthood and are hazard factors for cardiovascular and other ceaseless maladies. (11) Flynn et al. (2013) contemplated factors related with low High thickness lipoprotein cholesterol in center younger students with mean time of 11.6 years and saw that overweight or heftiness was identified with lower levels of high thickness lipoproteins. There were1104 members in this investigation. Members were broke down with research center screening of lipid profile, pulse and physical evaluation of weight record and physical action. It was presumed that expanded wellness and solid weight the board are bound to build high thickness lipoprotein levels in kids and young people. (6) Kelley and Kelley (2006) examined the impacts of oxygen consuming activities and diet on lipids and lipoproteins in kids and adolescents.12 Randomized control preliminaries containing 389 subjects with age gathering of 5 to 19 years and least a month of activity mediations were remembered for this meta-investigation. Impacts were vigorous preparing was seen on high thickness lipoproteins, low thickness lipoproteins, triglycerides and all out cholesterol. Results demonstrated noteworthy decrease in triglyceride levels alongside pattern of raised high thickness lipoproteins in overweight and hefty subjects. (5) Mohammadi et al. (2014) contemplated the impact of multi week of oxygen consuming preparing on homocysteine, lipoprotein An and lipid profile levels in stationary moderately aged men. Subjects were arbitrarily isolated into control and vigorous preparing gathering. There were 12 male subjects in each gathering having 40-60 years old. High-impact practice preparing was given to the oxygen consuming gathering logically expanding the span from 20 to an hour for every meeting. Force was expanded from 60% of most extreme pulse to 75% of greatest pulse. Results demonstrated huge increment in high thickness lipoprotein level and decrease in homocysteine, lipoprotein An and triglycerides level following 12 weeks of intercession of high-impact work out. Tseng et al. (2013) directed a pilot study to discover the more compelling activity preparing in expanding high thickness lipoprotein levels. There were 40 stout men of 18-29 years old remembered for the investigation. Members were designated to four gatherings. These were Aerobic exercise gathering, Resistance practice gathering, joined exercise gathering and control gathering. Exercise mediation was accomplished for 12 weeks. It was seen that either oxygen consuming or obstruction preparing alone essentially raised high thickness lipoprotein levels, yet consolidated exercise was best. (10) Falham et al. examined the effec
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
The First World War (WWI) :: World War 1 I One
World War II or the Second World War was a worldwide clash that started on 7 July 1937, in Asia and 1 September 1939, in Europe and went on until 1945, including most of the world's nations and each possessed landmass. For all intents and purposes all nations that took an interest in World War I were engaged with World War II. It was the most broad and costly prophetically catastrophic equipped clash throughout the entire existence of the World. Ascribed in changing degrees to the Treaty of Versailles, the Great Depression, patriotism, and militarism, the reasons for the war involve banter. On which date the war started is likewise discussed, refered to as either the German attack of Poland on 1 September 1939, the Japanese intrusion of China on 7 July 1937 (the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese War), or prior yet the 1931 Japanese attack of Manchuria. Still others contend that the two universal wars are one clash isolated distinctly by a "ceasefire". Battling happened over the Atlantic Ocean, in Western and Eastern Europe, in the Mediterranean Sea, Africa, the Middle East, in the Pacific and South East Asia, and it proceeded in China. In Europe, the war finished with the acquiescence of Germany on 8 May 1945 (V-E and Victory Days), however proceeded in Asia until Japan gave up on 15 August 1945 (V-J Day). Roughly 57 million individuals kicked the bucket because of the war, including demonstrations of massacre, for example, the Holocaust, the Rape of Nanking, and General Ishii Shiro's Unit 731 trials in Pingfan. As an instance of absolute war, it included the "home front" and besieging of regular citizens to another degree. Nuclear weapons, stream airplane, and RADAR are just a couple of many war-time developments. Post-war Europe was divided into Western and Soviet effective reaches, the previous experiencing monetary reproduction under the <a href=http://www.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Essay on China :: essays research papers
China is a topographical area in East Asia. It holds more than one-fifth of the worldââ¬â¢s populace. A large portion of it is presently known as the Peopleââ¬â¢s Republic of China, yet the name of the district alludes to one of the worldââ¬â¢s longest standing human advancements, which goes back right around 5,000 years. Since the length of Chinaââ¬â¢s history, it has been described by rehashed overthrowings and restorations of the legislature, and numerous common wars. China was administered as a domain until 1912, when the Republic Of China, or the ROC, was built up under Sun Yat-sen. China was the worldââ¬â¢s mechanical pioneer for a considerable length of time, credited with the development of paper, rockets, and different things. In any case, by the nineteenth and twentieth hundreds of years, China was losing political and prudent force. Japan and the Western Powers were picking up impact, which in the long run prompted the advancement of the PRC, or the Peoples Republic of China. China has the worldââ¬â¢s quickest developing economy, yet itââ¬â¢s a flimsy state underneath. It has the greatest rich/poor urban/provincial separation, which implies that the ranchers are poor, and the individuals who have city occupations are rich. China is additionally enormously overpopulated, so as a populace control strategy families can have just a single kid. Due to conventional respect, everyone needs male youngsters rather than female ones with the goal that they can carry on the family name. This has prompted a lopsidedness between sexes in China, so the legislature has built up a program to repay families for having female youngsters. China has been attempting to change its economy from a midway arranged economy to a market situated economy. A midway arranged economy is the place choices about creation, utilization, and designation of merchandise is overseen by a focal force. This essentially implies the legislature has unlimited oversight over whatââ¬â¢s made, where it goes, how itââ¬â¢s made, and how itââ¬â¢s utilized.
Factors Of Macro Environment Samples â⬠
Question: Talk about the Factors Of Macro Environment. Answer: The large scale condition is a wild factor that could affect on the dynamic and methodologies of association (Sorensen, 2012). Subsequently, it could straightforwardly affect on the development of the association. There are various elements that are considered in the large scale condition like political, monetary, legitimate, social, specialized, and ecological factor. There are sure issues looked by the association because of large scale natural variables. Along these lines, government flimsiness could make the potential outcomes of hazard in the business. Hence, it will decrease chances of getting an ideal result for the organization. Other than this, the association could know to the current financial state of the nation in light of the fact that monetary circumstance changes could affect on the representative pay and conduct (Sorensen, 2012). Thus, higher swelling rate could decrease the removal pay of representative as it would request of item and administration. The interest co uld influence the entire business cycle as it would be a significant issue for the association. The social culture factor empowers the association to get inclination and requirements of purchasers. And yet, determinates of merchandise and ventures request and ability of individuals to work could be a significant issue for the association. The specialized changes could make impediments for organization to get the new open door because of the greater expense. Changes in climate and natural comprehension could decay the open door for business to get an ideal result. Laws identified with sociality and wellbeing could likewise impact the conduct of individuals and association (Sorensen, 2012). It very well may be inferred that association could utilize PESTEL to examine the nation circumstance. Reactions From this article, I have discovered that the elements of large scale condition could coordinate effect on the business. I have picked up my comprehension towards the political, social, financial, specialized, and ecological factor as it is urgent to the business achievement. I saw that this PESTEL could be basic to fundamentally dissect the gainfulness of putting cash in the specific nation. From this article, I have pointed that political and government soundness, outside exchange, tax collection, and taxes could support to manage the policy centered issue and business achievement. I have additionally picked up my comprehension about various methodologies, which could take out the large scale ecological issue. References Sorensen, H. E. (2012). Business advancement: a market-situated point of view. USA: Wiley.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Role of Men and Women
The job of people Thereââ¬â¢s a major distinction about the job of people between these days, before and later on. It relies upon a great deal of social, mainland, rich and poor, innovation, improvement of science, wellbeing administration, training â⬠¦ There are out of viewpoints to clarify profoundly this issue. It will be simpler on the off chance that we take a gander at around things. Plainly The job of men and womenââ¬Ës a major socialââ¬â¢s issue and the family is the social factor so let have take a gander at family.In the past manual labourââ¬Ës the fundamental. We need to concede that men they have unrivaled wellbeing than ladies so they was anything but difficult to get a high circumstance in family since they are fundamental salary, ladies go through the entirety of their time on earth simply remain at home to conceived kids and take care of them, do housework,â⬠¦. They didnââ¬â¢t have any chance to consider, add to society and require their interes tâ⬠¦ yet these days everything changed. The science arrived at new success.Family planningââ¬â¢s well known and Itââ¬â¢ too simple about having more kid or not. Innovation created, house work doesnââ¬â¢t take a lot of time. The instruction created there are a ton of good school to take youngsters, parent get support from government to teach their children so Women have extraordinary chance to go out for working and they invest more energy for scholastic, they can contribute for society, they have more opportunity to unwind, make a mind-blowing most, position of ladies in the public eye has been confirmed.They can join to political and a ton of field which already just men to take part. All the individuals on the planet are brought into the world equivalent, appreciate the privilege to joy and opportunity. The human are building another general public, created society, equivalent society where people them two can add to making life progressively wonderful.
Research and critical evaluation on the M&M (Modigliani and Miller) Essay
Research and basic assessment on the M&M (Modigliani and Miller) models and the creation of a report - Essay Example The paper presents the basic suggestions of the Miller-Modigliani approach and in the wake of introducing their models, set forward an absolute investigation and analysis as for improvement for shareholdersââ¬â¢ returns with regards to exchange situation (Chandra, 2002, pp.411-412, 417-418). Monetary Decision Making in Achievement of Specified Business Objectives Financial Decision Making The money related choices taken by a business firm to meet budgetary destinations should likewise satisfy the objectives of determined business goals. Fund is viewed as the backbone of a business concern. Subsequently the executives of the money related assets for an association must be directed in a way as to fulfill the hierarchical objectives. The array of monetary choices center around key exercises like arranging, sorting out, coordinating the capital necessities and the uses of the assets fused in a business association. These money related exercises must be sought after so as to meet key m onetary targets like accomplishing a solid pace of profit for the measure of capital contributed. The business must objective at accomplishing such degrees of benefits as would not just assistance in meeting the measure of ventures made yet in addition for helping the business to gather assets for what's to come. Notwithstanding, associations must not just spotlight on accomplishing tremendous benefits to enlarge the capital estimation of the partners yet should create an all encompassing perspective in bettering the financial situation of the firm (Joseph, 2005, pp.170-172).. The transient money related necessities of a firm community on procuring of momentary business resources in meeting the momentary liabilities of the worry. This perspective is known as the administration of working capital, which is led to deal with the present dissolvable situation of the worry (Chandra, 2002, pp.4-5). Expanding Shareholder Value Most business associations render significance to the issue of enlarging the estimation of the proprietors and investors of a business firm. The estimation of the proprietors or investors of a business firm thinks about the market estimation of the aggregate sum of stock controlled by such. Market estimation of the stocks alludes to the value statements of such while being exchanged stock trades. Abundance of the investors is expanded by the business association through the expansion of the current estimation of some future returns expected by the proprietors. Future profits depend for the accumulation of profits or of future deal continues of organization stocks. The current estimation of such future pay is determined dependent on a particular pace of rebate accounted on accepting money profits later on period (Moyer, McGuigan, and Kretlow, 2008, p.5). Monetary Strategy A business association to perform viably should detail a sufficient money related methodology to fulfill the business objectives. A successful money related procedure drawn by any worry spins around achieving two explicit business needs. Right off the bat it tries to refer to the segments from which the firm can attract sufficient measure of assets to meet its business needs. Furthermore, it sets rules for the best possible administration of such assets inside the association to produce an effective money related structure. The business association should likewise glance forward in boosting the arrival on the ventures made and in limiting the pace of dangers clung to it (Bender and Ward, 2008, pp.4-6). The
Saturday, June 20, 2020
2015 SAT Scores by Demographics Gender, Ethnicity, Income, and More
In 2015, 1.7 million people took the SAT. Test-takers came from a diverse variety of backgrounds. Students from different high schools, cities, states, and countries took the test. They have different ethnicities, languages, family incomes, and GPAs. So how did students from these different demographics score on the test? And what aspects of our society can help explain why certain groups score higher than others? Iââ¬â¢ll go through several demographics of 2015 SAT test takers and examine patterns in the data to figure out the answers to these questions. All data is from the College Board. Gender The average male score was 1502 while the average female score was 190, the average male scored above the mean and the average female scored below. Does gender still play a role in determining who has access to academic resources? Or are there other factors at work? Type of high school Private school students tend to receive higher scores than public school students. For public schools, the average score was 155. This statistic makes sense, as those who are more likely to be accustomed to speaking English will probably score higher on the SAT Critical Reading and Writing sections. Citizenship Citizenship is an interesting demographic to look at because citizens of other countries actually score higher than U.S. citizens, even though the SAT is an American test. The mean score is 1, while the average for students whose family income is greater than $200,000 is 1720. When students can afford more test prep resources, they are obviously going to get higher scores. Financial aid statistics show a similar trend. Students who planned to apply for financial aid got a mean of 1492, close to the national average. Those who didnââ¬â¢t plan to apply for financial aid got a mean score of 1613. Level of parental education When studentsââ¬â¢ parents had not received a high school diploma, their score average was 1278. On the other end of the spectrum, students whose parents received graduate degrees received an average of 1685. Level of education is usually closely correlated to socioeconomic status, so these statistics closely follow the family income and financial aid statistics. The PSAT Obviously, taking the PSAT will increase your likelihood of getting a higher score because the test is designed to help you practice for the SAT. Students who took the test as a junior and as a sophomore (or younger) got a mean score of 1613. Those who didnââ¬â¢t take the PSAT got a mean score of 104. Students with GPAs in the A+ range got a 1796 average, and students with GPAs in the D through F range got an 1162 average. What can this data show us? People who come from certain schools, races, genders, and incomes are at a disadvantage when it comes to taking the SAT. And this is likely because they donââ¬â¢t have as many resources available to them. We all know that SAT prep is expensive, and those who can afford to pay more will do better on the test. This data reinforces that yet again. If youââ¬â¢re looking for a more affordable test prep option, try getting help from your high school teachers, buying or renting SAT books, using the free resources available from Khan Academy, or using affordable online prep like Magoosh. You donââ¬â¢t need expensive tutors to do well on the test.
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Black men and Public Space by Brent Staples Essaypilot
Introduction Race has always been a topic that is associated with different emotions, views, and thoughts for thousands of years. Since the beginning of times, people have always been judged and treated based on their race or where they were born. For many minority groups that have been discriminated over the years, many writers and activists such as James Baldwin and Martin Luther King Jnr emerged from such communities and struggled through racial movements to help their communities receive better treatment and recognition in the society. Brent Staples was among the renowned African American writers that fought against the negative stereotyping of black men in public spaces through his book, Black Men and Public Space in which he employs numerous rhetorical uses that add more appeal to his descriptions of experiences as a black man in public spaces. In the very first paragraph of the essay, Staples refers to a random woman on the streets as his first victim. This passage in the essay from the onset strikes the reader with a surprise in addition to making the audience curious because we are aware of the fact that the writer himself is a well-educated person, or at least not a criminal. This statement immediately makes the audience know that the story that is set to unfold is not going to be a happy one, since the main character, Staples himself assumes the role of a bad person. By adopting this approach, he becomes just like the woman in the streets who judges and assumes something about an individual simply based on the skin colour. Through the essay, Staples uses this notion of predator and victim as he compares the cutting of raw chicken to holding a knife to a persons throat. Staples then goes on to describe how the vast, unnerving gulf lay between nighttime pedestrians, especially women and me. The resulting imagery separates the victim (women) from the predator (Black Men) so that the readers can be able to clearly see the kind of stereotyping that Staples is trying to address. This essay begins with a narrative that Staples uses to convey many of his personal experiences as a black man. As a well-educated and prominent person, his decision to use his personal information as he tells his stories and realizations as a black man in public spaces not only improves the credibility of this essay but also improves the trust that the audience have in regards to what he is saying. Not only does the author share his accounts in the hands of his victims, but also those of his colleague, who is also an African American male journalist. Incorporating the views and experiences of other black men who have undergone similar situations helps in supporting the main idea that he is trying to convey by showing that it is not just one isolated case. One of the most outstanding things that Staples says, It is my equivalent of the cowbell that hikers wear when they know they are in the bear country (Staples 145). What he is trying to refer to is the music he listens to while walking, to let the others know that he is not dangerous. Prior to this, he had referred to himself as a predator while referring to the woman as the victim. However, by letting the audiences know the kind of music he listens to in the above quote and the kind of person he is, Staples is indirectly switching roles. In essence, he is now referring to the woman and other people with similar opinions about his skin colour as bears (predators) while considering himself as an innocent hiker (victim). Comparing racist bystanders to bears appears to be cruel, as it makes the reader wonder whether their stereotyping of black men is any better than what the author compares them. Supplementing the casual personal atmosphere established by his careful use of language and diction, Staples uses very harsh and shocking examples of how young African American men to show the kind of discrimination the black community has experienced. Telling the readers that he was brought up with good values, went to college and is a morally upright person that even taking a knife to raw a chicken is not possible for him causes the audience to have a positive emotional reaction. He makes another emotional statement when he says that young black men that were tough guys locked away I have since buried several, too. They were babies, really- a teenage cousin, a brother of twenty-two, a childhood friend in his mid-twenties- all gone down in episodes of bravado played out in the streets (Staples 144). Incorporating the discussions of such personal topics enables him to appeal to the emotions of the audience which in turn, is important in helping the reader understand his perspective and the significance. As part of the audience, we are able to deeply feel the troubles that Staples and his community have endured, which makes the audience want to get to the end of the essay to find the solutions to his problems. Staples backs up his claims with sufficient evidence by using logos to show how a man of color was often discriminated against and looked at stereotypically. The logical structure of this essay also appeals to logos. Throughout the essay, Staples describes how he always encountered discrimination as an African American journalist working in a white majority workplace. He notes that he initially realized this while still attending college when he one day walking late in the night and ended up frightening a white woman who had this belief that he was following her. Staples does not have a problem with the fact that the world is a violent place and that the woman had the right to be frightened, but it still leaves him perturbed because of him, and the other black males are not able to overcome the fact they are the causes of such fears. As he comes to terms with this situation, he also starts to recognize that he is able to change his surroundings merely because of his skin color and the stereotyping that certain groups have leveled against him. Conclusion By acknowledging opposing views of this argument, Staples is able to validate his message that being discriminated against by complete strangers is one of the worst experiences that a person should undergo. His efficient use of rhetorical devices with a perspective that enables them to understand the main message being conveyed in the essay, which is the negative experiences of discrimination in public spaces, which in turn make his testimony more meaningful and impactful. Staples states that the possibility of being set apart from the crowd is a painful thought to bear. He uses several personal experiences that evoke emotions of the audience which in turn enables them to understand the nature of the issue he is trying to address. Staples concludes by noting that even though the fears of black men among most white people are valid, there is no good in separating the rest of the black men from the streets. Works Cited Staples, Brent. Black men and public space. Life studies (1992): 2-32.
Monday, May 18, 2020
A Christian Missionary Named Bartolome De Las Casas
Question #2 In 1542, a Christian missionary named Bartolomà © de Las Casas wrote about the little-known realities of the brutalities occurring in the New World between Spanish conquistadors and Native Americans. Even though the Spanish originally set out to bring Christianity to the New World and its inhabitants, those evangelizing efforts soon turned into torture, mass killings, rape, and brutal slavery of the innocent natives to fulfill their greed for gold and wealth, according to Las Casas. In his primary account A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies, Bartolomà © de Las Casas attempts to inform King Phillip II of the cruel acts and injustices committed by the Spanish conquistadors. Despite this condemnation, Las Casas does not reject imperialism, because he feels Spain has the obligation to spread the word of Christianity around the world. Instead, he finds fault with the Spanish conquistadors for implementing this evangelization the wrong way, by both physically harming the Nat ive Americans and, fundamentally, in their underlying perception of them as inferior. Furthermore, the key to the coexistence of imperialism with Las Casasââ¬â¢ Catholic ideas and his defense of indigenous peoples lies in considering and treating these Native Americans as equals and as humanity rather than inferiors. Right from the beginning of his letter, Las Casas demonstrates his interest in the potential conversion of Native Americans to Christians. He praises the natives of the NewShow MoreRelated The Devastation of the Indies and Movie The Mission Essay2335 Words à |à 10 PagesThe Devastation of the Indies and Movie The Mission The Mission and Bartolome De Las Casas book, The Devestation of the Indies Although The Mission and Bartolomà © De Las Casas book, The Devastation of the Indies portray events that took place over two centuries apart, similar features and effects of colonization are apparent in each account. Slight differences in viewpoints are evident, such as The Missions portrayal of the natives in a more humane fashion, but this goes along with the evolutionRead MoreThe And The Colonists Of The Americas1691 Words à |à 7 Pagesamongst the natives and to find wealth to bring back to Spain. Document 1 is a letter from Hernando Cortà ©s, the Spaniard who conquered the Aztec empire, to Charles V, the ruler of Spain. 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Saturday, May 16, 2020
Criminal Justice - 1465 Words
Abstract: This essay will talk about the lack of family structure can be one of the biggest causes of delinquency. It touches on four objectives on how lack of family structure can be a cause to a childââ¬â¢s delinquency. One of the biggest causes of delinquency is the lack of stable family structure. For instance, a child could be hurt, if not receiving passionate love and care from their parents. Those not receiving love from their parents or their guardian as a child will probably act out for attention or start creating bad behavioral habits. I know every family is not a perfect and not every child is fortunate to have their parents in their lives. In this paper there are four objectives that I will talk about the lack of stableâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦This can also cause a broken home and can affect a child. Siegel and Welsh (2012) defines broken homes as home in which one or both parents are absent due to divorce or separation in such an environment may be prone to antisocial behavior. According to Siegel and Welsh (2012) children growing up in broken homes were much more likely to fall prey to delinquency than those who lived in two parent households. Another issue that a family can have is when parents have a disagreement. When the children see their parents misbehavior it can have affect on the childââ¬â¢s behavior too. The child might not get alone with other people or have bad relationships with others. They also might keep to themselves socially. Siegel and Welsh (2012) states divorce may influence childrenââ¬â¢s misbehavior through its effect on parental misbehavior. The last objective I will touch on is the lack of poor parenting skills. Parenting skills today are way different then it was back in the past. Parents today are not teaching their children the right and wrong of their childââ¬â¢s action. They are not showing them the consequences of their childââ¬â¢s action. Most of the time children tend to imitate or pick up bad habits their parents do. Thatââ¬â¢s where the parent needs to step in and tell them to stop what their habits and teach them to break the cycle. In today society morals and values are not taught to the child as they need to be.Show MoreRelatedCommunity Justice And Criminal Justice980 Words à |à 4 PagesCommunity justice is a broad term that includes many aspects of involving the community. The main goal is to enhance the lives within the community through the creation of problem solving strategies and strengthening the standards within the community by restoring victimââ¬â¢s quality of life, and reintegrating offenders of crimes. Although community justice can be traced back hundreds of years. The model is still considered a nontraditional approach in todayââ¬â¢s criminal justice sector. Due to its broadRead MoreJustice And The Criminal Justice System Essay1918 Words à |à 8 PagesWhen it comes to the criminal justice system, there is often a gray area between what is considered fair and what is just, with these concepts many times having a connection. Furthermore, justice and fairness are subjective and many times individualsââ¬â¢ concept of what is fair or just differ. Throughout a recent court case involving a Stanford University swimmer being charged with rape, that issue became well evident. This case involved a Stanford student, Brock Turner, being charged with sexuallyRead MoreCriminal Justice1258 Words à |à 6 Pagespunishment. 5. Solitary confinement is economical. The Quakers are the ones that actually formed these ideas, due to the fact they wanted more human treatment for criminals. I believe that the five principles were implemented due to the kind of treatment that the criminals were getting at that time period. ââ¬Å"Until the late 1700s, criminals were put to death, shipped to other countries to become slaves, and were thrown to wild animals just so society could literally get rid of them.â⬠(http://voicesRead MoreThe On The Criminal Justice System984 Words à |à 4 PagesGarland (2001), view on ââ¬Å"the criminal justice system in America was created to keep communities safe, to respect and restore victims, and to return offenders who leave prison to be self-sufficient and law-abiding. Treatment simply did not work either by therapy or broader social programs and became is a monumental failure that our states and nation can no longer affordâ⬠(p.61) Garland (2001) stated ââ¬Å"that the collapse of faith in our correction system began a wave of demoralization that underminedRead MoreThe Criminal Justice System720 Words à |à 3 Pagesrole in the courts, compared to the accused or offender (Booth, 2016). Victim-focused law reforms are open to many jurisdictions throughout Australia, and majority of systems which follow the adversarial nature of proceedings (Garkawe, 2007). The justice system aims to enforce a therapeutic structure, however, in some instances this fails to be upheld for the victim. In a sentencing hearing, an offenderââ¬â¢s mitigating factors may reduce their sentence, therefore providing the offender with more rehabilitativeRead MoreCriminal Justice Majors1105 Words à |à 5 PagesContrary to popular belief the life of a criminal justice major is not all about being a hardboiled cop or a living a black and white noir film, there is actually quite a bit of disciplinary literacy in the background. People looki ng forward to a career in criminal justice should be able to write up investigation reports, reports to be used in trials, and documents relating to various types of criminal offenders. For a bachelorââ¬â¢s degree in Criminal Justice 120 credits including some general electiveRead MoreCriminal Justice System1524 Words à |à 7 Pagesfor the Criminal Justice System is to reduce the crime and the fire of crime. In order to achieve this it is using different agencies and the major of them are the Police, Prosecution, Courts, Prisons and Probation. They all are operating in synchrony for achieving their legal responsibilities and particularly for reducing the level of crime. The aim of this essay specifically is to discuss the functions of the police and how they actually fit with the objectives of the Criminal Justice System asRead MoreThe Criminal Justice System1597 Words à |à 7 PagesThe purpose of the criminal justice system is explained by three definitions: Control crime, Prevent crime, and provide and maintain justice. This sense of criminal justice has been the same since pre-civilized communities, where the elders of a tribe enforced the laws of the vill age. The criminal justice system has changed drastically from the times of kinship systems to todayââ¬â¢s system of laws. As time has passed criminal justice has change in many ways, for example: the way they dress, arrest,Read MoreCriminal Justice Essay598 Words à |à 3 Pageslaws being put into the law books that help victims when violated, the courts are still not looking out for those individuals who have in fact be victimized. ââ¬Å"Advocates for victimsââ¬â¢ rights have long complained that they have been sidelined by a criminal justice system that is focused on the interplay between the state and the defendantâ⬠. (Boland amp; Butler, 2009)This statement alone dictates how the system actually works when it comes to the victim in court. Most individuals lose sight that thereRead MoreThe Criminal Justice System1305 Words à |à 6 PagesThroughout this course, I have learned about the many segments of the criminal justice system. The criminal justice system is made up of three main elements which process a case from initiation, through trial, to punishment. First a case starts with law enforcement officials, who investigate crime and gather evidence to identify and use against the assumed suspect. The case then proceeds to the court system, which evaluates the evidence to decide if the defendant is guilty or innocent. If the defendant
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
What Do You Need About Your Community - 1335 Words
a. What do you need to understand about your community before you can begin to work on such a program or project? Use Chapter 7 to support your statements. Prior to beginning work on a program or project that will meet the needs of individuals that are not yet senior citizens in a community it is important to understand several aspects of the community. One of the most important aspects to understand is the pressure that one community experiences from the larger environment of neighborhoods and communities. To understand the pressures that exist there are key characteristics of the community that will need to be understood including competition, centralization, concentration, invasion, gentrification, and succession. Another important characteristic that needs to be understood is the community resources that are available within the community. Being aware of the demographic development of a community can help a social worker fill their role in the community. Every community has groups and organizations that are competing for resources to meet the needs of their particular group. ââ¬Å"Competition is the struggle within a community by v arious groups, all seeking to put their interests and needs ahead of any othersâ⬠(Kirst-Ashman Hall, Jr., 2015, p. 273). As I begin to work on a program to meet the needs of individuals that are not yet senior citizens I will need to be aware of the other organizations and groups that are seeking resources that I will also possibly be seeking.Show MoreRelatedDefining Community Essay544 Words à |à 3 PagesWhat do you think about your neighbours? How do you feel about your schools? What do you think about your community? Community has always been a big part of our lives and it has been here since the day we were born. We might even live on the same street, but we grow up in different households and this results in many different views on communities. 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Key Factors Of The Division Over Instrumental Integration...
What were the key factors of the division over instrumental integration into worship? This paper will discuss the thought process behind the rejection of instruments, explaining; why those who favored it chose to keep peace, why it was seen as impure worship to those who rejected it, and why it was not ordained according to positive law. During the Stone Campbell movement, music was a strict topic because of its significant in worship to God. Since the time that Europeans first arrived to North America, music has been a very crucial factor to the development and spreading of Christianity. Christianity is known for the diversity of traditions, as well as the diversity of music expressions of these traditions. (Stowe, 2010) ââ¬Å"The instrumentalâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦McGarvey leads his argument by presenting as fact, the idea that, â⬠¦any part of the Jewish worship was discontinued by those who organized the Christian church, is a direct condemnation of it by the Spirit of God as unsuited to the new institution. (Campbell 1865, 187) This claim is unsubstantiated, therefore the entire argument is fallacious. When a church of Disciples of Christ played its first instrument (a melodeon) in worship, it caused huge controversy. An elder of the church removed it from the church one night and sold it because he saw it as unscriptural. A man named Huldrych Zwingli who was a well-known instrumentalists, also rejected instrumental music and banned all playing of organs in worship. Under his influence, some of his followers went to their churches and destroyed their organs. Reading Monroe Hawleyââ¬â¢s article, ââ¬Å"Controversy in St. Louis,â⬠the ââ¬Å"First Churchâ⬠built a building that included expensive commodities. One of which was a $3000 organ. (Hawley 1984, 4) Though it seemed like a blessing, it brought a debt upon the congregation, which led to prompting members to actually rent pews. This caused a lot of commotion. A woman named Louise Hockday, along with many other members, pushed to have the organ torn out and sold. But as a vote was made, the organ was decided to stay and members who opposed left. Because of this, both sides of the controversy met to settle it on December 27th-30th, 1870. Some of these arbitrators were Alexander Proctor,Show MoreRelatedGlobalization and It Effects on Cultural Integration: the Case of the Czech Republic.27217 Words à |à 109 PagesGLOBALIZATION AND IT EFFECTS ON CULTURAL INTEGRATION: THE CASE OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC. INTRODUCTION I. AN OVERVIEW. 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Global Tourism Globe Largest Employers
Question: Discuss about theGlobal Tourism for Globes Largest Employers. Answer: Introduction The hospitality and tourism industries are the globes largest employers and thus a detailed study on this topic is highly necessary. It can be found out that the hospitality industry is expanding rapidly and thus contributing to near about 10% of the worlds total Gross Domestic Product. In the preceding decades, the hospitality business has got much significance of dynamic procedures of development (Baladacchino, 2013). Accordingly, the hospitality business is intensifying in different parts of the globe and promoting its expansion in changing multicultural surroundings. This particular research work would try to analyze the global factors that contribute to the global restructure of the economic situation. From the article, it has been find out that there are five crucibles of transform that would reorganize the global financial system for the predictable prospect (Bisson, Stephenson Viguerie, 2016). From that point of view, it can be seen that the corporations that understand them would stand the best possibility of determining this. In this article, the director of McKinsey, Peter Bisson has explained the worth of tracking the global forces as well as how to build them into corporate strategy (Moufakkir Reisinger, 2013). The major five global trends have been analyzed by McKinsey and these are as follows: The great rebalancing The company has found out that the impending decade would be the initial in the 200 years while the developing-market nations make a payment more expansion that the urbanized ones (Cohen, 2012). It can be stated that this expansion would not only generate a flourish of new middle income class customers but also would force thoughtful innovations in the plan of the products, infrastructure of the market and the value chains (Cohen, 2012). The efficiency imperative In-depth research works of McKinsey has found out that the economies of the developed world would necessitate producing prominent gains in efficiency to authenticate sustained financial expansion. Adding to this, they have found out that the most spectacular modernisms in the Western globe are likely to be those that speed up financial efficiency (AlSayyad, 2013). The worldwide grid Research works have found out that the global financial system is mounting even more associated. It can be seen that the multifaceted flows of resources, commodities, data and statistics and the citizens are making an interlinked set of connections that spans topographies, social groups and monetary systems in ways that authorize comprehensive communications at any point of time (Mok, Sparks Kadampully, 2013). It can be found that this increasing network is seeding innovative business representations and speeding up the swiftness of innovation. This as well makes undermining the cycles of instability more likely (Lyons et al., 2012). Pricing the planet McKinseys detailed research works have found out that a conflict is gradually shaping up among the increasing stipulate of possessions, inhibited provisions as well as varying communal approaches towards the ecological fortification (Pelucio-Grecco, 2015). The upcoming decade would observe the focus an amplified focus on productivity of the possessions, the appearance of considerable clean-tech industries as well as authoritarian initiative (Medlik, 2012). The market state The last global trend is the market state. The detailed research work has found out that the frequently opposing demands of financial expansion and offering the required security needs to uphold the communal constancy that have kept the government under huge and astonishing pressure. It can be seen that globalization pertains extra heat that how definitely nationwide units would rule in an gradually more globalized globe (Leung et al., 2013). Sigala, Christou and Gretzel (2012) have stated that tourism is a big part of the hospitality industry and the ever-changing business scenarios are continuously shaping the global trends of advertising companies and tourism industry. It has been found out that the Chinese bazaar for tour and action companies is the greatest expanding tourism source in the previous decade that has spent huge amount on outbound travel. The Chinese companies are present in any kind of social media marketing, as they are the biggest smart phone market on this earth (Buhalis Crotts, 2016). Secondly, it can be seen that travelers want to unplug from the daily stressful lives, as with the expansion of technology, work pressures are increasing globally among all. A recent report has found that 72% of the UK travelers have switched off in 2013 and this is only increasing further and would even more so in the year 2016 (Buhalis Crotts, 2016). Moreover, it can be stated that discovering untouched as well as unique areas has become one of the interesting passions of many people and this trend is going to expand gradually. Travelers are interested enough in discovering untouched and exceptional places, generate some memorable memories, traverse something off the traditional list as well as push the limitations off the ease zones. Pelucio-Grecco (2015) has stated in this research paper that with each year, the globe is getting even more attached. Contemptible rate of flights have formulate the weekend vacassions in foreign destinations easier than ever and most interestingly, it is necessary enough to mention that the smart translation apps are dissolving the language barriers successfully. Medlik (2012) has clearly in his research paper that it is highly necessary to align the tours and activities to be in shape the requirements of youthful travelers or twenty percent of the globes travelers. By the end of 2020, this marketp lace would be captivating 47% more intercontinental journey than in the year 2013 with several youthful explorers who are looking for the followings: inimitable and genuine experiences corporations that pay attention to their reaction carefully chances to study something innovative and ground-breaking Word of mouth suggestions (Mok, Sparks Kadampully, 2013) Apart from that, it can be stated that it is not always regarding drawing the attention of the foreign travelers to the corporation; the content customers could be closer to residence. Google has searched staycation were up ten percent year over year from the year 2011 to 2014. It can be stated that the tendency of having a celebration nearer to home is forecasted to continue for 2016. As per the news release by United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), it can be seen that demand of international tourism has stayed strong in the initial nine months of 2016, although increasing at a fairly more reasonable rate. Besides this, Asia and Pacific has confirmed rehabilitated strengths this initial half of 2016 and has received 9% more intercontinental entrances, the uppermost enlargement and expansion throughout the globe (AlSayyad, 2013). Some recent research works have stated that certain sustainability methods could be measured almost worldwide in the accommodation industry. Bisson, Stephenson and Viguerie (2016) have stated that the hotel industrys deep-rooted and unremitting attempt to control costs throughout such sustainable processes as restraining water and energy utilization has been specified supplementary impetus as customers have become concerned enough in having hotels reduce their resource utilization as well as address their effect on the surroundings. It is regardless to say that sustainable sightseeing is the scheme of visiting a position as a traveler and trying to create only an optimistic impact on the surroundings and surroundings along with the community and financial system. It can be stated that tourism can engage primary transportation to the universal locality, neighboring transportation, lodging, entertainment, leisure, sustenance and shopping. All sections (Except financial system) with dummies Coeff Std err purchaser insight of environmentally responsibility 0.08 0.01 visitor room contentment 0.33 0.02 FB fulfillment 0.22 0.01 Hotel amenities contentment 0.43 0.03 Constant 0.01 0.02 Table 1: Effects of guest discernment of sustainability agenda on in general contentment (Source: Baladacchino, 2013) Baladacchino (2013) has stated that without travel there is no tourism, so the concept of sustainable tourism is directly linked to a concept of sustainable mobility. Aviation accounts to more than 55% of that transportation CO2 emissions and thus environment conscious people are preferring to visit the nearby places and this global tourism trend has already been discussed here. Tourism and hospitality industry always go hand in hand and the following table would explain the reasons given by the guests for hotel selection (Baladacchino, 2013). Primary Reason for selection of hotel 2011 (%) 2012 (%) 2013 (%) 2014 (%) 2015 (%) Convenience of location 39.7 38.9 37.6 38.6 38.7 cost 19.6 18.8 19.4 18.9 18.1 preceding experience 18.2 17.3 13.2 14.9 18.3 Reward plan 7.1 3.7 14.7 10.8 12.9 Reputation 4.2 3.9 4.1 6.9 6.1 suggestion 3.6 5.3 7.1 8.6 8.4 Package contract 2.3 3.1 4.2 5.1 6.3 Environment responsive 0.1 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 Table 2: Reasons given by guests for selection of hotel (Source: Baladacchino, 2013) After the detailed analysis of the study, it can be stated that McKinsey would dive deeper into each of the already mentioned five regions for drawing out the trade insinuations as well as notify the planned discuss (Bisson, Stephenson Viguerie, 2016). It is easily understood that certainly all these new areas would not evolve smoothly. The upcoming financial crisis, quite likely major ones are inevitable in nature. This might shape the global trend and it is expected that McKinsey would be engaged in further in-depth research on analyzing the major global tourism trends. References AlSayyad, N. (2013).Consuming tradition, manufacturing heritage: global norms and urban forms in the age of tourism. Routledge. Baladacchino, G. (2013).Global tourism and informal labour relations: The small scale syndrome at work. Routledge. Bisson, P., Stephenson, E., Viguerie, S. (2016).Global forces: An introduction.McKinsey Company. Retrieved 8 December 2016, from Buhalis, D., Crotts, J. (2016).Global alliances in tourism and hospitality management. Routledge. Cohen, E. (2012). Globalization, global crises and tourism.Tourism recreation research,37(2), 103-111. Leung, D., Law, R., Van Hoof, H., Buhalis, D. (2013). Social media in tourism and hospitality: A literature review.Journal of Travel Tourism Marketing,30(1-2), 3-22. Lyons, K., Hanley, J., Wearing, S., Neil, J. (2012). Gap year volunteer tourism: Myths of global citizenship?.Annals of tourism research,39(1), 361-378. Medlik, S. (2012).Dictionary of travel, tourism and hospitality. Routledge. Mok, C., Sparks, B., Kadampully, J. (2013).Service quality management in hospitality, tourism, and leisure. Routledge. Moufakkir, O., Reisinger, Y. (Eds.). (2013).The host gaze in global tourism. CABI. Pelucio-Grecco, M. C. (2015). Tourism Hospitality. Sigala, M., Christou, E., Gretzel, U. (Eds.). (2012).Social media in travel, tourism and hospitality: Theory, practice and cases. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.. Ye, Q., Li, T., Law, R. (2013). A coauthorship network analysis of tourism and hospitality research collaboration.Journal of Hospitality Tourism Research,37(1), 51-76.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Burial of Sir John Moore After Corunna free essay sample
Napoleon engineered an overthrow in Spain in early 1808, but the Spanish were unhappy about it, a popular insurrection began, and the British tried to join in with the Spanish against the French. The Spanish proved to be difficult allies, though, and a British army under Sir John Moore was forced to retreat to the port of Corunna, on Spains north-western tip, from where they were to be evacuated back to Britain. The retreat had all the problems of discipline and morale that every retreat has, with the additional hardships of bad terrain and appalling weather. Worse yet:à when they got to Corunna on January 11, 1809, the British troopships that were to evacuate them had not yet arrived, so Sir John had to organize defences and fight a battle against the French. In the battle he was mortally wounded. In not wanting the Frenchââ¬â¢s morale to be given a boost with the realization that the inspirational leader of the British army had died, they decided to bury him in the night; in the hope the French would be none the wiser. Even though Sir John Moore was an iconic figure, a man that the British army looked up to and admired, they could not give him a proper military funeral fitting for a man of his stature in order to keep the French in the dark about the terrible tragedy that has occurred. 2. Explain the context of the poem This poem has a very patriotic theme to it, words like hero, warrior and glory stretched throughout the poem. The first stanza in my opinion sets out the scene for the rest of the poem. The words ââ¬Å"not a drum was heardâ⬠, ââ¬Å"not a funeral noteâ⬠,â⬠not a soldier discharged his farewell shotâ⬠and ââ¬Å"oââ¬â¢er the grave where our hero we buriedâ⬠are all present in the very first stanza thus giving the reader a distinctive image of the scene of this poem right from the start. One certainly gets the image of a soldier who has died on the battle field, but for some reason is not getting the traditional burial of a soldier who has died in combat. Only when you read on and analyze the poem and its history do you truly understand why this is. If we look at the second stanza it begins with ââ¬Å"we buried him darkly at dead of nightâ⬠for reason of secrecy towards the French as the British did not want the French to know that their leader and inspiration was no longer a threat to them, thus boosting French morale and with all likelihood crushing British morale. The last three lines of this stanza give reference to them digging his grave as best they could with what they had available ââ¬Å"the sods of our bayonets turningâ⬠. In terms of war a bayonet is a knife like instrument that a soldier would fix onto the end of his rifle to attack an enemy in close combat. They would generally stab the enemy in the guts, turning the bayonet as they retracted it and almost certainly mortally wounding the enemy. Keeping that in mind, this is what they are doing to the soil to dig the grave. They do not have spades so they must dig out a grave with their bayonets using close to the same technique that they would use when engaging the enemy on the battlefield. ââ¬Å"By the struggling moonbeamââ¬â¢s misty light and the lanthorne dimly burningâ⬠makes reference again to the tumultuous task that these soldiers are facing, burying their great leader with no equipment and using the moons light and a lanthorne (lantern) that is generally used for signalling in those days to try and get the job done, with undoubtedly broken hearts and all. The third stanza begins to set out the image of just how great and important to these soldiers this man was, the vast majority of people who pass away, from general public to royalty are buried in coffins, yet the stanza begins with ââ¬Å"no useless coffin enclosed his breastâ⬠almost giving the impression that he is too good for a coffin, a coffin is not necessary or worthy of him. It is simply not needed. ââ¬Å"But he lay like a warrior taking his rest with his martial cloak around himâ⬠. If we go back in time and think of warfare in the late 1700ââ¬â¢s to early 1800ââ¬â¢s, it is very much man to man, close combat in many parts, generals on horseback and often takes place in fields and open spaces. So when the soldiers take their rest during battle they lay down in the field of battle and just curl up for a while and wrap their ââ¬Å"martial cloakâ⬠(a military cloak) around them. Stanza four in my opinion is referring to the soldierââ¬â¢s brief time to look at their hero lying in his grave, one last time and pay their last respects. Few and short were the prayers we said, and we spoke not a word of sorrowâ⬠. This is deemed somewhat controversial by some, as Sir John Moore was such a inspirational leader to these men one wonders why they say few prayers and let out so little emotion as the impact of his untimely death begins to dawn on them. But this is late 1700ââ¬â¢s and these soldiers are as tuff as they come, highly trained and incredibly di sciplined. ââ¬Å"Gazed on the face that was dead, and we bitterly thought of the morrowâ⬠. You can almost picture the inadequate grave site of this great man, all his troops surrounding it looking down on his body, bidding their last farewells, trying their best to hold in their emotions and the pain of going on with the battle the next day without their much loved leader tearing holes in their hearts. Stanza five, they are about to leave the grave site, one can only imagine the guilt that must be tearing them apart, the sadness and emptiness they must feel as they ââ¬Å"smoothââ¬â¢d down his lonely pillowâ⬠. There isnââ¬â¢t much they can do for him in terms of physically showing respect like mounting headstones or draping a flag over a coffin. So they push together a mound of earth to lay his head on, like a pillow, a simple yet gracious act for a man they dearly miss and love, and rather gave the impression he was simply sleeping, maybe making it a little easier to cope with as appose to knowing he has passed away. Even so, they must move on, they after all have a battle to win and will be determined to win even more so now for them memory of Sir John Moore. The foe and the stranger would tread oââ¬â¢er his head, and we far away on the billowâ⬠. This must have been a thought going through all the soldiersââ¬â¢ minds, as they sail away on the billow (an old word for waves). The enemy and general public would be unknowingly treading on his grave. Stanza six begins with ââ¬Å"Lightly theyââ¬â¢ll talk of the spirit thatââ¬â¢s gone, and oââ¬â¢er his cold ashes upbraid himâ⬠. Making reference to the French speaking out of term about Sir John Moore, using the word ââ¬Å"upbraidâ⬠meaning chastise or criticize, thus talking about him disrespectfully. But little heââ¬â¢ll reck, is they let him sleep on in the grave where a Briton has laid himâ⬠. In my opinion this means if they leave him alone, he can be hurt no more in the grave his soldiers made him. Allow me to emphasise on the phrase ââ¬Å"Grave where a Briton has laid himâ⬠. An extremely powerful and patriotic piece of verse, almost giving a two fingers up at the French but at the same time giving the impression that if a Briton has made that grave it must be top class. Just simply putting ââ¬Å"laid him in a graveâ⬠or something similar doesnââ¬â¢t do it any justice, the patriotism and pride theme of this poem is clearly seen throughout this poem, but is never more strong than in that particular piece. ââ¬Å"But half our heavy task was done when the clock struck the hour for retiringâ⬠starts off stanza seven. In the days of gruesome man on man battles, many men lay dead or wounded on the battlefield. After a dayââ¬â¢s battle, time would be allowed for each opponent to enter the battlefield and collect their dead and wounded. But the British only had half the time to do this as they were secretly burying their fallen leader in the ââ¬Å"dead of nightâ⬠. ââ¬Å"We heard the distant and random gun that the foe was sullenly firingâ⬠. As the British dragged their brave comrades from the battlefield, dead or alive they could hear the enemy ââ¬Å"sullenlyâ⬠meaning very sneaky, sly if you will, firing at them from the distance. In many ways the first stanza in my opinion gave a vivid picture of what was taking place and set the theme and tone for this poem, I feel the last stanza in the same respect sums up the poem in its entirety. Slowly and sadly we laid him downâ⬠is how stanza eight start off. Referring to the soldiers not wanting to do it, with every fibre in their being they simply did not want to lay their leader to rest, but for the sake of the greater task ahead of them they had no choice. ââ¬Å"From the field of his fame, fresh and goryâ⬠. Sir John Moore was shot in the sh oulder and bled to death. His would not allow the medics to treat his wound when it happened until (in his eyes) more important business was attended to; he was a very proud and professional soldier. So the term ââ¬Å"goryâ⬠stands out there for me. Given that he bled to death from a shoulder wound, he must have been bleeding for quite a considerable amount of time, so one can only imagine how he must have looked when he was finally laid to rest, no doubt soaked in blood. A very gruesome and ââ¬Å"goryâ⬠image. ââ¬Å"We carved not a line, and we raised not a stoneâ⬠again making reference to the inadequate funeral procedures and lack of a memorial monument at the grave site due to trying their best to keep his death a secret from the enemy. ââ¬Å"But we left him alone with his gloryâ⬠an extremely powerful and somewhat uplifting end to a poem. Giving the impression that he does not need a monument, he is a world respected soldier and will never be forgotten, not just by the British, but the world, especially the military as they seem to have a universal respect for one another even if in some cases they are enemies. A fitting end to this poem about a great man who was world renowned as such a good soldier and leader that in fact when the British returned to Corunna to retrieve his body and bring it home to give him a proper burial fitting for a man such as he, when they arrived where they had buried him, the French had already built a monument for him on top of where he was buried. The very people that ended his life respected him enough to commemorate his life with their own monument to him, so obviously the French all along must have known that Sir John Moore had in fact died, but showed tremendous respect in making sure he is remembered, by all, for eternity. 3. Wolfeââ¬â¢s use of figurative language The poem ââ¬Å"The Burial of Sir John Moore after Corunnaâ⬠has alternate rhyming line endings throughout. Wolfe uses some old fashioned words appropriate for the time the poem was written such as corse meaning corpse and lanthorne meaning lantern. There are also many examples of alliteration in this poem, ââ¬Å"darkly at dead of nightâ⬠, ââ¬Å"moonbeamââ¬â¢s misty lightâ⬠, ââ¬Å"sheet or in shroudâ⬠, ââ¬Å"slowly and sadlyâ⬠and ââ¬Å"field of his fame fresh and goryâ⬠. We also might respect the rhythm a little more if we remind ourselves that a reader two hundred plus years ago would have been quicker to recognize that Wolfe here borrows the rhythm of a drumbeat; both in form and content, his poem makes up for that which was missing from this inadequate funeral Not a drum was heardâ⬠. Metaphors were used in this poem also, in stanza five the word ââ¬Å"pillowâ⬠was given to describe a mound of earth to lay his head on as he lay in the grave, also the euphemistic treatment of death as a sleep in a narrow bedâ⬠. It almost seems as if The Burial of Sir John Moore did provide some sort of comfort and solace to an individual unable to provide his dead comrade with a decent burial. ââ¬Å"Lay like a warrior taking his restâ⬠is also a good example of a simile in stanza three.
Thursday, April 16, 2020
The poem Ithaca Essay Example
The poem Ithaca Paper One of the most important messages expressed in the poem is that the Journey is the important part, therefore it does not matter if the goal is achieved but it matters that something is learnt on the journey to achieve it. One of the joys mentioned in the poem is to visit many Egyptian cities, to gather stores of knowledge from the learned. In the ancient world, Egypt was a center of learning, especially its capital city, Alexandria, which was one of the largest cities in the world and contained the largest library. This is a form of imagery that is used to show that when new places are visited, or new experiences are completed a persons knowledge will always increase. Have Ithaca always in your mind. Your arrival there is what you are destined for. Any traveler of the journey of life, must always keep Ithaca in mind, because it is his or her final destination, their ultimate aim. Without it there would be a lack motivation, which would lead to a minimum amount of goals being completed which means when Ithaca is reached a person will look back at their journey and be regretful. We will write a custom essay sample on The poem Ithaca specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The poem Ithaca specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The poem Ithaca specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The journey to Ithaca should not be hurried, and it is better that it last many years, so that the traveler is old by the time he reaches the final destination and has gained many things from their journey. This is due to the fact that throughout that extra time an Individual can achieve more goals have more adventures and gain more knowledge. However an Individual should not be expecting Ithaca to give you wealth. Ithaca gave you a splendid journey. Without her you would not have set out. She hasnt anything else to give you. This is because throughout the journey to reach Ithaca an individual should have achieved everything that they wanted to so that by the time they reach the end of their journey, or life, there will be nothing left for them to regret and they will be perfectly contend with their lives and what they have achieved. And if you find her poor, Ithaca hasnt deceived you. , because Ithaca has already gifted you, by being your goal, with so many thing and experiences that there will be nothing that Ithaca can give you due to the fact you will already have all you wanted. The Author believes that for a person to have a truly accomplished life and have no regret they most have goals and aims, with their final aim being Ithaca. Individuals should aim to experience the most out of their lives, and should realize that small things compared to big things in life can be just important. Throughout the journey of life there will be challenges and problems that will get in the way of an individual achieving their goals, but they should not let them get in their way of their final aim but count them as another step to accomplish it. Even if all goals are not completed as planned it does not matter for the journey to Ithaca is the important part, due to the fact that once the individual reaches Ithaca they will have gained knowledge and experience They should also have no regret. This is the gift Ithaca gives you. So wise you have become, of such experience, that already youll have understood what these Ithacas mean
Friday, March 13, 2020
Pericles and Alexander essays
Pericles and Alexander essays Cultural Development- the evolution of a culture; when a culture advances from a simpler or lower, to a more advanced and mature or complex culture with new and improved ideas, technologies and innovative lifestyles. Pericles and Alexander were known as two Greek heroes that led to the cultural developed Greece. We are fortunate that these two heroes ripened Greece into what it is today. If Pericles and Alexander didnt help transform Greece, we wouldnt have a lot of advances that we have in the present day. If you want to be a flourishing ruler, then you should always know what you want to accomplish for your empire. Pericles, had three main goals that he wanted accomplished during the duration of his rule- he wanted to strengthen Athens democracy, hold together and build up the empire and glorify Athens. Pericles had a vision for a better democracy. Pericles first increased the number of paid officials. He then opened the Athenian democracy to ordinary citizens. This meant that even the poorest citizens were allowed to hold an office if they were elected. Pericles also wanted to rebuild the Athenian empire. After the Persians were defeated, Athens helped organize the Delian League. Pericles also made Athens navy the strongest in the Mediterranean. Having the navy allowed Athens to gain some prosperity, because it let them trade overseas to obtain important supplies such as grain and other raw materials. The last thing that Pericles wanted to accomplish for his empire was to make it extremely beautiful. So in 447- 432 b.c Pericles had the Parthenon built. The Parthenon was a temple that was constructed by Greek architects. This glorious structure was estimated to be about 23,000 sq. ft. As a part to exalt Athens Pericles persuaded the Athenian assembly to buy gold, ivory, and marble for the artists, architects and workers who used those materials for their works of ar...
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Case Brief, Tax Law Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Brief, Tax Law - Case Study Example Between 1913 and 1948, each person was supposed to be taxed on their own without considering their marital status. In 1948, the Revenue Act spelt out that each married couple was supposed to file a joint return then remit double the tax that would be paid by a single individual (Fox 59). In 1969, a new class of tax payers called the two wage-earners married couple with a greater combined tax burden. This was the root cause of the "marriage penalty." ii. Does the ââ¬Ëmarriage penaltyââ¬â¢ deny a person their freedom and rights in marriage? How is it related on contravenes the Fourteenth Amendment of the US Constitution which guarantees individual freedom? Analysis: The court addressed the issue of the Fourteenth Amendment and the constitutionality of the Internal Revenue Commission laws. While acknowledging that the law offers individual liberty, it was held that the "marriage penalty," in no way, violates the constitution. Besides, while accepting that this law has some adverse effects on individual taxpayers, it is an essential close in the constitution. Tax compliance is a duty and a responsibility of a patriotic citizen. IRC Section 1(D) clearly stipulates that married couple with higher incomes like the Drukers have to fall into a new category from other couples with less income. After all, the court confirmed, Revenue Act of 1948 states such married couples are supposed to file a joint tax return and double their remittances. I.R.C. Sec. 6694 (a) which forms part of the Tax Reform Act of 1976 imposes a penalty of $100 for any deliberate or intentional underestimation when filling tax returns. Such a violation constitutes neglig ence which is punishable by law. Revenue Act of 1948 states such married couples are supposed to file a joint tax return and double their remittances. I.R.C. Sec. 6694 (a) which forms part of the Tax Reform Act of 1976 imposes a penalty of $100 for any
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Economics - Essay Example The policies undertaken by governments in different economies are highly influenced by his theories even today. The theories introduced by Keynes mainly concentrate in the nature of total spending in the economy. The theories also analyze the influence of aggregate demand in economies inflation and output level. According to Keynes the aggregate demand created in the economy is often not equal to the productive capacity of the economy. Keynesian theories were introduced during Great Depression in the economy. Keynesian theory supports a mixed economic system, where the main sectors of the economy are headed by private business entities but are guided under the rules and regulations of the government at times of recession (Keynes, 1979). New Classical Theories of Economics New Classical theories of economics are consisted with the economic views of the modern contemporary economists. The theories mainly concentrate in the price, output and determination of income distribution in the e conomic system. The conjectures focus on the free forces of market demand and supply in the economy. These theories explain the idea of rational economic behaviour. Maximization of consumer utility subject to budget constraints or maximization of producers profit subject to cost constrains are theories of neo classical economics. It assumes that economic entities in the world undertake their economic decisions after getting equipped with the underlying relevant information. Neo Classical theories of economics dominate the Keynesian views economics (Arnold, 2008). Aggregate Supply Curve The aggregate supply curve (AS) shows the different levels of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in real terms, generated at changed levels of prices in a particular period of time. The curve shows the relation between price and real GDP, assuming all other factors affecting real GDP constant (Ceteris Paribus assumption). The Keynesian and Neo Classical views regarding the shape of the AS curve are contrast ing. Keynesian AS curve Keynesian theory was introduced during the Great Depression when the economy was under strict recession. Due to recessionary trends in the market most of the resources were ideal and insensitive in the economy. Thus Keynesian theory firmly believed in the rigidity of price and wage rates in the economy. Keynesian theory is consistent with a horizontal AS curve where any changes in the real GDP are caused simply due to changes in the aggregate demand (AD) in the economy. It was analyzed by Keynes theory that only changes in the aggregate demand, could improve the state of a depressed economy. Figure 1 - Keynesian Horizontal AS curve CPI AD p AS q Real GDP (Source: Authorââ¬â¢s Creation) The graph above illustrates the AD and AS curve in Keynes views. The consumer price index (CPI) is the average price level of all the goods and services produced in the economy. AD is inversely proportional to CPI as per the law of demand. The market equilibrium price (p) an d equilibrium quantity (q) of real GDP generated in the economy are determined from the point of intersection between the AD and AS curves. Rise in Government Spending Impact In order to improve the aggregate income level in the economy the government undertakes expansionary fiscal policies. These policies
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Belonging to Place Essay Example for Free
Belonging to Place Essay Have you ever been in a room packed full of people, yet no matter whos around, you cant shake a feeling of un-ease, or a sense of not belonging? This has probably happened to each of us atleast once before. Belonging is usually defined as just generally being accepted, we assume its a reference to someone being treated differently to others, whether its for better or worse. But sometimes, it has more to do with the place we are in, rather than the people who are around. To prove this, Ill be discussing Shakespeares As You Like It, a romantic comedy set in a ficticious world, where the illustrious Court is supposedly the place to be for educated citizens, and the Forest of Arden, a place of exile, is thought to be harbour to many theives and those discarded from society. The dramatist uses techniques such as imagery, metaphors and dramatic irony to highlight key aspects of belonging and not belonging. In contrast to this text, Ill also examine My Sisters Keeper written by Jodi Picoult, where the sense of place is not physical, but familial. Picoult uses similar techniques to Shakespeares in As you like it, with imagery and irony used as common themes through-out the text. As You Like It revolves around Rosalind whos uncle, Duke Frederick banishes several characters from city life in the French Court. But when Rosalind herself is exiled, her cousin Celia declares that she will join Rosalind, and that they must go to the Forest to seek the rightful Duke, Rosalind cries Alas, what danger will it be to us, maids as we are, to travel forth so far! Beauty provoketh thieves sooner than gold This is where Shakespeare introduces the reputation of the forest, known as a dark and scary place of banishment and explains Rosalinds sense of obligation to dress as a man and call herself Ganymede, as she feels she must protect herself and her cousin. Throughout the text Shakespeare uses symbolism in many different ways. He commonly uses metaphors or similies not only to describe things, but sometimes to give them a double meaning. An example of this being Rosalinds choice of alternative identities, when she picks the name Ganymede, who in Roman myhtology is a cupbearer and a symbol of homosexual love, this adds to the continuum of sexual possibilites. When Orlandos selfish brother Oliver first causes him to join those exiled into the Forest of Arden he fears for himself, and his servant Adam, yet his opinions of the forest change when he meets Duke Senior and his comrades. Hath not old custom made this life more sweet than that of painted pomp? Are not these woods more free from peril than the envious court? The Duke asks him. Eventually others come to realise that their impression of the forest was also wrong, and that it has the potential to give them true happiness. As opposed to finding a physical place, Jodi Picoult demonstrates a different kind of belonging. Sara and Brian Fitzgerald dedicate their every moment to their middle daughter Kate, who is suffering from leukemia, leaving their other two childern, Anna and Jesse, feeling like they have no place in the family. This affects Anna in particular, as she was concieved in a lab to be used as spare parts for Kate, and made to donate things like stem cells and bone marrow. She is pushed too far when she is told she has to donate a kidney to her sister, and seeks medical emancipation, leaving her feeling even more out of place in the household. The eldest child Jesse however, rebels his own way by committing arson and petty crimes. Throughout the book Picoult uses this allusion to fire for many things; Kates uncontrollable illness, which seems to destroy everything within its path, or Anna initiating the law suit, like shes starting a blaze that she might not be able to contain. It is again used as a comparison to Kates disease, by her father Brian, who is a firefighter, when he suggests that some fires need to be left alone until they burn out. Though both texts have clear links to family, another aspect they share is great irony. In As You Like It, dramatic irony is used quite often because we, as the audience, always know something that the characters dont. When Rosalind, acting as Ganymede, ends up weaving a very tangled web for herself, she is the character who comes to help everyone achieve their happy ending, and find their rightful place. Shakespeares use of this technique brings great entertainment, and adds to the comedy. However, in My Sisters Keeper the irony is not so comedic. Jesse announces in court that Kate had forced Anna to stop donating organs as she was ready to let her luekemia take her life. Leaving the courthouse, after winning her case, Anna and her lawyer are caught in a terrible car accident, resulting in her giving her kidney to Kate before she passes, this helps Kate to fight off her cancer. Through this Picoults use of irony, much different to Shakespeares, allows Anna, who never knew her part, to help her sister find her own place in the world. In conclusion, the very different texts both highlight aspects of belonging, or not belonging, to a certain place. Whether its physical place or a role that you need to find. The Authors use of techniques such as imagery and irony, and as focus on relationships involving both love and hate, helps to convey what belonging truly means to them.
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